화성에서 생명체 존재 추정 '농축 유기분자' 발견 VIDEO: Breakthrough in search for Martian life as Curiosity finds organic building blocks of life and finally unlocks the mystery of methane emissions on the red planet

카테고리 없음|2018. 6. 9. 00:31

Breakthrough in search for Martian life as Curiosity finds organic building blocks of life and finally unlocks the mystery of methane emissions on the red planet

Two new studies based on samples collected by Curiosity rover offer new clues on the search for Martian life 

Scientists have identified an abundant source of organic matter in an ancient lakebed from Mars soil

They've also traced some of the red planet's mysterious atmospheric methane to its possible roots

NASA revealed details on the groundbreaking Curiosity findings in a press conference Thursday afternoon

화성에서 생명체 존재 추정 '농축 유기분자' 발견

2012년 화성탐사선 ‘큐리오시티(Curiosity)’가 화성 탐험을 시작한 이후 5년 10개월만에 암석(이암) 안에 생명체의 존재를 추정할 수 있는 유기 고분자를 다수 발견했다. 

“지구 오일·가스층에서 발견되는 물질 발견”

유기 고분자는 지구상에서 오일·가스층을 형성하고 있는 물질을 말한다. 오랜 기간을 거쳐 화석화됐지만 끈적끈적한 모습을 모이고 있다. 이전 샘플에서도 유기체 흔적으로 추정되는 물질을 발견한 바 있으나 오염도가 너무 심해 유기체인지 확언할 수 없었다.




PUBLISHED: 19:00 BST, 7 June 2018 | UPDATED: 22:04 BST, 7 June 2018

NASA's Curiosity rover has uncovered the best evidence yet that life may have once existed on Mars.

In two separate studies on data collected by the Mars rover over the last few years, scientists identified an abundant source of organic matter in an ancient lakebed, and traced some of the planet's atmospheric methane to its roots.


The groundbreaking results will help to guide the search for microbial life and improve our understanding of seasonal processes on Mars. 


