VIDEO: Moment Belgian gunman dies in a hail of police bullets caught on camera 3명 죽인 벨기에 테러리스트 경찰 총격 사망 순간

Moment Belgian gunman dies in a hail of police bullets caught on camera


This is the moment armed police shot dead an alleged terrorist suspected of killing three people, including two police officers, in the western Belgian city of Liege. The video was obtained by RT's Ruptly news video agency.

The man is thought to have attacked the two officers from behind with a knife before taking one of their guns and shooting them both dead. A third victim was shot in the passenger seat of a parked car, and another two people were injured in the incident. The man then ran into nearby Waha High School, where he took a woman hostage.

3명 죽인 벨기에 테러리스트 경찰 총격 사망 순간 

오늘 벨기에에서 2명의 경찰관을 포함 

모두 3명을 죽인 테러리스트 범인이 경찰의 총격을 받고 사망했다.

아래는 경찰에 의해 사살되는 순간 영상




