9천4백만불 짜리 러시아의 세계 첫 해상 원전발전소 VIDEO: First ever shipborne nuclear power plant dubbed a 'floating Chernobyl' arrives in the Arctic from St Petersburg ahead of its maiden mission

First ever shipborne nuclear power plant dubbed a 'floating Chernobyl' arrives in the Arctic from St Petersburg ahead of its maiden mission

The £70m ($94m) plant will provide electricity to an isolated Russian town

The behemoth weighs 21,500 tonnes and provides 70 megawatts of electricity 

State officials say it could pioneer a new power source for Earth's remote regions

Green campaigners have expressed concern about the risk of nuclear accidents 

Russia has at least another seven floating nuclear reactors planned and China is working on building its own to launch in 2020 

9천4백만불 짜리 러시아의 세계 첫 해상 원전발전소

본 임무를 수행하기 전에 상트페테르부르크에서 북극에 도착했다.

중량은 21,500톤 

전기 발전 능력은 70 MW

이 해상 원전은 러시아 오지 마을에 전기를 공급하게 되며 세계의 전기 부족 지역에도

공급할 계획을 가지고 있다.

환경운동가들은 원전 사고 등 안전 우려에 큰 관심을 표명했다.

러시아는 이와 같은 해상 원전을 7대 더 제작할 계획이며 

중국은 2020년 가동을 목표를 건조 중에 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Reuters and Harry Pettit For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 11:28 BST, 22 May 2018 | UPDATED: 12:32 BST, 22 May 2018

The world's first shipborne nuclear power plant has arrived in the Arctic from Russia ahead of its first mission.

Carrying two nuclear reactors, the £70 million ($94 million) behemoth will provide electricity to an isolated Russian town across the Bering Strait from Alaska.

The state company behind the plant, called the Akademik Lomonosov, says it could pioneer a new power source for remote regions of the planet.

But green campaigners have expressed concern about the risk of nuclear accidents, with Greenpeace denouncing it as a 'floating Chernobyl' and 'nuclear Titanic'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5756627/Worlds-shipborne-nuclear-power-plant-dubbed-floating-Chernobyl-arrives-Arctic.html#ixzz5GFRHcLaf


