6억년 전 지구의 모습이 상상이 되십니까? VIDEO: How Earth's continents have shifted: Interactive map lets you travel back in time to see our planet over 600 million years of its history

How Earth's continents have shifted: Interactive map lets you travel back in time to see our planet over 600 million years of its history

'Ancient Earth Globe' reveals how the continents have split and reformed across 600 million years of history

It gives you views of Earth's surface from the first appearence of life through to the planet as we know it today

Users can see how our planet looked when plants appeared or when the Age of the Dinosaurs drew to a close 

The map was built by a former Google engineer using research data from Northern Arizona University  

6억년 전 지구의 모습이 상상이 되십니까?

그리고 2천년의 모습도?

지금 지구의 모습이 머나먼 시간 동안 어떻게 

나누어지고 어떻게 재구성되었는지 생생하게 보여준다

이 맵은 전 구글엔지니어에 의해서 노던애리조나대의 

리서치 데이터를 근거로 만들어졌다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 18:03 BST, 4 May 2018

A new interactive map lets you travel back in time to view our planet as it appeared millions of years ago.

'Ancient Earth Globe' reveals how the continents have split and reformed while oceans advanced and receded across 600 million years of the planet's history.

The map was built using research from Northern Arizona University and reveals that humans are 'just a blip in history', according to the former Google engineer behind it.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5692167/Interactive-map-lets-travel-time-planet-600-million-years-history.html#ixzz5Ejn1y7XC 


