단 3주 만에 소금물에 용해되는 종이 병 VIDEO: Paper bottle that disintegrates in saltwater in just THREE WEEKS could save the planet's oceans from plastic pollution
Paper bottle that disintegrates in saltwater in just THREE WEEKS could save the planet's oceans from plastic pollution
The fully biodegradable bottle is made from paper and plant-based materials
The founder also claims that the bottle can also be eaten by sea creatures
Entrepreneur is trying to raise £25,000 ($34,000) from crowd-funding
단 3주 만에 소금물에 용해되는 종이 병
완전한 생분해성 병이다.
이제 지구의 바다를 플라스틱 오염에서 구해낼 수 있다.
이 친환경 병은 종이와 식물 재료로 만들어졌으며
바다에 사는 동물들이 먹어도 된다.
이 스타트업은 현재까지 3만4천불의 크라우드 펀딩이 모금 중이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
PUBLISHED: 12:48 BST, 1 May 2018
An Edinburgh-based inventor has created a bottle that disintegrates in salt water in just three weeks.
The fully biodegradable bottle is made from paper and a secret combination of plant-based materials and it could help save the planet's oceans from plastic pollution.
The 27-year-old founder claims that the bottle - which uses no fossil fuels in production - can also be eaten by sea creatures and neutralise acidic soils in landfill.
Worldwide the production of plastic has now increased to the point where output is expected to exceed 500 million metric tons by 2050.