이스라엘 네타냐후 총리, 이란 비밀 핵무기 개발 관련 증거 확보 VIDEO: Mossad Discovered Iranian Nuclear Archive in 2016 and Smuggled It to Israel in January, Official Says

Mossad Discovered Iranian Nuclear Archive in 2016 and Smuggled It to Israel in January, Official Says

Mossad agents smuggled the documents from a 'dilapidated warehouse' back to Israel in a one-night operation. Mossad chief informed Trump of the operation during his January visit to Washington

Haaretz May 01, 2018

Israel's Mossad intelligence service raided a secret location in Tehran that looked like "a dilapidated warehouse" and removed original documents on the nuclear weapons program to smuggle back to Israel in a one-night operation last January, officials told The New York Times.

Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a news conference at the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv, Israel April 30, 2018. \ AMIR COHEN/ REUTERS

이스라엘 네타냐후 총리, 이란 비밀 핵무기 개발 관련 증거 확보
북한과도 관련 있어

  이스라엘의 베냐민 네타냐후 총리는 30일 이란의 비밀 핵무기 개발과 관련된 증거가 있다고 밝혔습니다.

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그러나 네타냐후 총리는 자신의 주장을 뒷받침 하는 구체적인 증거를 제시하지는 않았습니다.

이란은 그 동안 원자력 프로그램은 민간용도라며 핵무기와의 연관성을 부인해왔습니다.

이와 관련 이란의 자바드 자리프 외무장관은 트위터를 통해 네타냐후 총리가 사람들을 상대로 장난을 치고 있다고 일축했습니다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

A senior Israeli official said that Mossad discovered the warehouse in February 2016 and had the building under surveillance since then, according to the report.

Mossad chief Yossi Cohen then informed U.S. President Donald Trump about the raid during a visit to Washington in January, the official said, stating that the delay was attributed to the time it took to analyze the documents. A vast majority of them were in Persian.

In a press conference on the Iran nuclear deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed to the world the seized documents, calling out the deal as being based on "lies."

At the conference on Monday, Netanyahu presented 55,000 pages of documents and 183 CDs, and blasted Iran for hiding an "atomic archive" of documents on its nuclear program.

"Now, from the outside, this was an innocent looking compound," Netanyahu said about the warehouse, adding "but from the inside, it contained Iran’s secret atomic archives locked in massive files."

U.S. President Donald Trump, who spoke publicly 30 minutes after Netanyahu's speech, said that Netanyahu's speech "showed that I was 100% right" in criticizing the nuclear deal. 

This comes as the U.S. deadline on Iranian sanctions regarding the nuclear deal, May 12, draws near.



