VIDEO: China's Unbelievable and Breathtaking Giant Infrastructure Projects and Constructions 중국이 세계에 벌려놓은 대프로젝트들

China's Unbelievable and Breathtaking Giant Infrastructure Projects and Constructions

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중국이 세계에 벌려놓은 대프로젝트들

Construction Starts on Smart Brain of Beijing's New Airport.

Construction on first China-Russia highway bridge proceeding smoothly.

High speed railway for 2022 Winter Olympics in construction.

Exclusive aerial view- world's largest shiplift at China's Three Gorges Dam.

Construction starts for China's first asymmetric steel truss cable-stayed bridge.

China-contracted infrastructure projects in eastern Africa.

China support power plant construction in Bosnia and Herzogovina.

China Starts Construction of World's Will-be Second Largest Dam.

China’s CSCEC to build new motorway in Pakistan.


