VIDEO: First fire of 2018: US Air Force tests Minuteman III ICBM in California 미, 남북 정상 회담 하루 앞두고 미니트맨 발사

First fire of 2018: US Air Force tests Minuteman III ICBM in California

The US Air Force has launched the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in California. The test became the first one this year and was aimed at checking the readiness, effectiveness, and accuracy of the system.

Minuteman III launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base in November 2017. © US Air Force / Reuters

미, 남북 정상 회담 하루 앞두고 

미니트맨 (Minuteman) 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM)을 시험 발사

미군, 미니트맨 ICBM 시험 발사

edited by kcontents

The launch of the unarmed missile took place at Vandenberg Air Force Base at 5:26am local time on Wednesday and was successful, according to a statement from the Air Force Global Strike Command.


