Komatsu makes 1,000 drone order from DJI 코마쓰, 1천대 드론 주문

Komatsu makes 1,000 drone order from DJI

By SOPHIE CHAPMAN . Mar 29, 2018

Japan’s construction industry is set to receive 1,000 new drones, as Komatsu, the construction equipment manufacturer, makes the largest order DJI has ever received.

Construction Sales

edited by kcontents

코마쓰, 1천대 드론 주문

일본 건설장비 회사 코마쓰가 

드론 제작사인 DJI로부터 1천대의 드론을 주문했다.

DJI의 역대 최대 수주 물량이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

“This represents the largest commercial drone order in history,” the firm claims.

“Each drone is manufactured by DJI and outfitted with specialized Skycatch technology, and is the first time DJI has manufactured a custom drone for a partner.”

The Chinese technology firm will be producing 1,000 custom Matrice 100 drones, all featuring Skycatch imaging technology.

Although the value of the deal has not been announced, the drones are typically $3,200, with the additional $1,000 charge for the GPS module and $1,800 for the Skycatch Precision Package.

“Conducting a site survey using a drone used to take hours,” commented Komatsu’s Executive Office of Smart Construction Division, Chikashi Shike.


