라비탄 에어론, 재난구조용 초대형 드론 개발 VIDEO: Latvian startup unveils giant drone that can fight fires, clean wind turbines, and carry PEOPLE to safety from disaster sites

Latvian startup unveils giant drone that can fight fires, clean wind turbines, and carry PEOPLE to safety from disaster sites

Latvian startup Aerones developed a super-sized drone for disaster scenarios

It can save people who've fallen into ice or are trapped in vessels in water

Drone can also clean wind turbines or buildings using a water-shooting nozzle

It has 28 motors and 16 batteries that enable it to lift up to 400lbs for 20 minutes 

라비탄 에어론, 재난구조용 초대형 드론 개발

스타트업 라비탄 에어론이 재난구조용 초대형 드론을 개발했다.

얼음이나 물에 빠진 사람들을 구조해낼 수 있으며

또 분무기를 사용해서 풍력발전기나 빌딩 등을 청소할 수도 있다.

28개의 모터와 16개의 배터리가 장착되어 있으며 20분 동안 181kg을 

들 수 있게 설계됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Annie Palmer For Dailymail.com

PUBLISHED: 21:51 BST, 26 March 2018

A Latvian startup has developed a super-sized drone that can do just about anything.

It can perform search and rescue missions, put out fires and, as a new video shows, clean wind turbines.  

Created by Aerones, the company is hoping that the drones can step in to do some human jobs that are tedious, dirty and often dangerous. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5546749/Latvian-startup-builds-drone-rescue-people-fight-fires-clean-wind-turbines.html#ixzz5Awo4P35t 


