세계 최고 높이의 풍력발전기는? VIDEO: World's highest wind turbine catches the breeze in Germany

World's highest wind turbine catches the breeze in Germany

Paul Ridden

Max Bögl Wind has announced the construction of the world's tallest turbine in Gaildorf, near Stuttgart in Germany. The tri-blade giant has a hub height of 178 meters (584 ft), with a total height from ground to tip of the blade of 264.5 m.

The Gaildorf giant is over 800 ft tall from ground to blade tip(Credit: Max Bögl Wind)

세계 최고 높이의 풍력발전기는?

독일의 맥스뵈글윈드로 
높이가 무려 264.5m 로터의 지름도 137m

풍력발전은 높이가  1m 상승시 1% 효율이 향상되므로 높을수록 유리하다.

이 풍력 발전기의 하부는 거대한 저수조 콘크리트 구조물이다.

풍력 터빈 기초는 아래 계곡에 위치한 펌프에 의한 수력 발전소를 위한 
수동 저수조가 설치되어 있다.

즉 풍력+수력발전이 결합된 하이브리드 풍력발전 설비다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

The new turbine is part of a four turbine wind farm pilot project. Other hub heights manage to rise up as far as 155 m, and all are equipped with customized 3.4 MW GE generators. The project also sees a novel storage concept come into play. The so-called water battery should allow the turbines to continue operation at times when they would normally be throttled back or stopped altogether, such as during strong winds.

The wind turbine foundations double as a passive water reservoir for a pumped storage hydro power station 

situated in the valley below, while also pushing the turbine 40 meters farther into the sky.

Credit: Max Bögl Wind AG, Holger Hessenthaler

edited by kcontents

Each extra meter of hub height is expected to increase annual energy yield by up to 1 percent, while high hub heights also result in less wind turbulence and much better wind yield, making these behemoths a particularly good fit for inland locations with poor wind conditions.

The water battery reservoirs, which have been designed for 70 MWh of electrical storage capacity, are connected by underground polyethylene penstock to the hydro power station.

"The water battery, which was also referred to as natural power storage in the Gaildorf pilot project, can store surplus power from the grid and release it when necessary," explains the company. "It acts as a short-term storage facility and helps to maintain grid stability while guaranteeing a continuous, uninterrupted supply of power. The pumped-storage plant is able to switch between production and storage within 30 seconds."

The Gaildorf pilot project is expected to start feeding into the grid early next year.

Source: Max Bögl Group



