외계인? VIDEO: Mummy of a 6-inch Atacama 'alien' with a cone-shaped head is HUMAN

Mummy of a 6-inch Atacama 'alien' with a cone-shaped head is HUMAN: Bizarre remains belong to a baby girl who had dwarfism, DNA study reveals

The Ata skeleton was found in the Atacama region of Chile in 2003

Ata's small stature and cone-shaped skull led to speculation she was an alien

In a new study, researchers multiple mutations in the skeletons genes associated with diseases such as dwarfism


2003년 칠레 아타카마 지역에서 발견된 아타 해골 시신

이 시신의 키는 단 15.2cm에 불과하다.

작은 키와 원형뿔 모양의 두개골로 그녀가 외계인일 것이라는 

추측이 나왔었다.

최근 과학자들 조사에서는 왜소증 같은 질병과 관련된 뼈의 복합적 돌연변이 

유전자 때문인 것으로 알려졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Colin Fernandez and Harry Pettit and Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 17:02 BST, 22 March 2018

The origins of a 6-inch skeleton that was once thought to be the remains of an alien have been uncovered by scientists.

A new DNA study of the bones shows the remains are in fact human and belonged to a baby girl who had dwarfism.

Nicknamed 'Ata', the incredible find made in 2003 in Atacama, Chile, has a long cone-like skull and just ten ribs. 

The skeleton found its way to a collector in Spain who speculated that it was an extra-terrestrial – judging from its bizarre appeareance – and it appeared in a documentary, Sirus, which suggested it was evidence of alien life. 

After five years of deep genomic analysis scientists have pinpointed the mutations responsible for the bizarre specimen.

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