11월에 개관될 세계 최고 높이의 인도 통일의 동상 VIDEO: Incredible photos reveal the world's tallest statue taking shape:..

Incredible photos reveal the world's tallest statue taking shape: £226million landmark that's twice as high as Lady Liberty is set to open in October

The Statue of Unity is currently being built on Sadhu Island in the western state of Gujarat in India 

It is being built in honour of the late political and social leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 

The structure is set to be completed in October, with the foundation and central support pillars already laid  

11월에 개관될 세계 최고 높이의 인도 통일의 동상(The Statue of Unity)

인도의 정신적 지도자 사다르 발라바이 파텔을 기리기 위해 동상으로

2억2천6백만불을 들여 구자랏의 사두섬에 건립 중이다.

현재 세계 최고 높이인 중국 허난성의 노산대불(Spring Temple Buddha,153m)보다 

약 30m가 더 높으며 미국의 자유의 여신상보다도 2배나 더 높다.

올 11월 완공 예정

International Business Times

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Sadie Whitelocks for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 16:22 GMT, 22 March 2018

Incredible photos reveal the progress being made on what is set to be the world's highest statue.

The £226.9million Statue of Unity in western India will be 597 feet tall when it's finished in October - that's almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty and nearly 100 feet higher than the current record holder, China's Spring Temple Buddha. 

It's being built on Sadhu Island in the state of Gujarat, with the waters of the Narmada river surrounding it. 

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