VIDEO: An Interesting Theory on What Caused the FIU Bridge Collapse 끔찍한 FIU교량 붕괴 원인을 분석한 유튜버
An Interesting Theory on What Caused the FIU Bridge Collapse
March 20, 2018 Shane Hedmond
Screenshot from AvE's FIU Bridge Collapse Video
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끔찍한 FIU교량 붕괴 원인을 분석한 유튜버
끔찍한 FIU교량이 지난 목요일에 붕괴된 이후로, 지난 며칠 동안에 파악한 정보에 기초해 이 재앙이 정확히 어떻게 일어났는지에 대한 많은 추측이 있었다. 진짜 원인을 조사하기까지 오랜 시간이 걸릴 것이며 임박한 소송에 대한 모든 먼지가 제거될 것이지만, 현재로서는 타당한 실패 원인을 설명해 주는 매우 흥미로운 유튜브 동영상이 하나 있다.
유명한 캐나다의 유튜버가 사고 원인을 그만의 기술로 분석했다.
최근 FIU교량 붕고사고에 대한 몇가지 조사에 착수했다. 그리고 그는 나름 그 붕괴의 원인을 발견했다고 믿는다. 아래의 16분짜리 영상에서, 그는 구조 시스템의 가장 흥미로운 몇가지 도면과 세부 사항들을 보여 주고 있다
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
Since the horrific FIU bridge collapse last Thursday, there has been a lot of speculation on how exactly this catastrophe happened, based on pieces of information learned over the past few days, as well as a couple grainy videos of the collapse. It’s going to be a long time before investigations into the true causes are determined and all the dust surrounding impending lawsuits clears, but for now, we have one very interesting Youtube video explaining a plausible cause of the failure.
For those who don’t know AvE, he’s a Canadian YouTuber known for his colorful language and tearing apart tools to see what makes them “cooch” (one of the many words he’s made popular amongst his viewers). In other words, he’s got an engineering mind with the mouth of a sailor.
He recently got his hands on some preliminary plans for the FIU bridge and believes he’s found the “smoking gun” for what caused the collapse. In the 16 minute video below, he’ll take you through a few of the most interesting drawings and details of the structural system. He analyzes the images and videos from the scene, in addition to performing what he calls a “homebrew experiment” to illustrate his point.
This is obviously just one theory, but it appears the most plausible so far. What do you think of Ave’s theory?
If you couldn’t gather from above…be warned that there is foul language in the video, if you’re averse to that.