VIDEO: Elon Musk revamps Boring Company plans to prioritize MASS TRANSIT 일론머스크, 대중 교통수단을 최우선 시 한다

Elon Musk revamps Boring Company plans to prioritize MASS TRANSIT: New animation shows how electric buses could slash traffic by transporting riders underground at 125mph

Elon Musk tweeted new details on his Hyperloop and Boring Company plans

Instead of focusing on personal cars, he says it will begin by serving the masses

He said the system will prioritize pedestrians and cyclists from the start

Once mass transit needs have been met, he says it will then transport cars 

일론머스크, 대중 교통수단을 최우선 시 한다 

마치 바다 위의 잠수함이 가라앉듯이 차량이 터널 속으로 사라지고 있다.

일론 머스크느 최근 트위터에 하이퍼루프와 터널굴착 계획을 올렸다.

승용차보다 대중교통에 관심을 더 가질 것이며

시작단계에서 보행자와 자전거을 최우선 시 할 것이고 말한다


일단 도심의 대규모 교통수단에 필요한 것이 충족되면, 그 다음에 차량을 

운송할 것이라고 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 01:52 GMT, 10 March 2018 | UPDATED: 01:56 GMT, 10 March 2018

Elon Musk’s ambitious plan to slash commuting times with tunnel systems beneath major cities has just had a major makeover.

The Boring Company boss tweeted details this evening on an ‘adjusted’ plan for the urban loop system, revealing a new focus on mass transit.

While Musk previously outlined a system that would ferry individual cars at high-speeds on electric ‘sleds,’ a new animation visualizing the project shows multi-passenger carriages that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists.

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