VIDEO: The first 'real' flying car? £400,000 production-ready Pal-V ...날으는 자동차 현실로


The first 'real' flying car? £400,000 production-ready Pal-V that can hit 112mph on land AND in the air is unveiled in Geneva

The £440,000 ($600,000) twin-engine 'Pal-V' craft looks like a hybrid between a motorbike and a helicopter

A production version of the vehicle has been displayed for the first time ahead of initial batch shipping in 2019

The first edition Pal-V Liberty will cost £437,000 ($599,000) and have a flying range of of 248 an 310 miles

The craft is fitted with a handling system relies on the driver tilting the vehicle with a control stick

날으는 자동차 현실화?

쌍발엔진의 'Pal-V'는 마치 오토바이와 헬리콥터를 합쳐 놓은 것 같다.

최초 시제품이 2019년 첫 선적에 앞서 스위스 제네바에서 공개됐다.

Pal-V Liberty로 명명된 이 날으는 자동차의 가격은 60만불(한화 약 6억5천만원) 

비행 반경은 400~500km 

핸들링 시스템이 장착되어 있으며, 운전자가 콘트롤 스틱으로 차량을 틸팅할 때 사용한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Harry Pettit For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 15:35 GMT, 8 March 2018

A production version of the world's first 'real' flying car has been unveiled at a motor show in Geneva.

The £440,000 ($600,000) Personal Air and Land Vehicle (Pal-V) Liberty can hit 112mph (180kph) on the roads and in the sky, according to Dutch firm Pal-V International.

The twin-engine craft, which looks like a hybrid between a motorbike and a helicopter, was displayed by the company ahead of the shipping of its initial batch of pre-orders in 2019.

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