Vodafone to install 4G network on the Moon 영국 이동통신업체 보더폰, 달에 4G 네트워크 설치

Vodafone to install 4G network on the Moon

Helen Chandler-Wilde 

27 FEBRUARY 2018 • 2:30PM

The Moon will have a 4G mobile network installed next year, according to plans set out by Vodafone and Nokia.

A simulation of the mobile mast on the moon with an Audi lunar exploration vehicle CREDIT: VODAFONE

영국 이동통신업체 보더폰, 달에 4G 네트워크 설치 

설치는 우주탐사회사 PTScientists가 수행한다.

민간 비용으로 달 착륙 최초 사례. 

노키아 안테나가 2019년에 플로리다에서 스페이스 X로켓에 실려 발사 예정이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

The mission, organised by space exploration company PTScientists, will be the first ever privately-funded Moon landing.

Nokia masts will be launched on a SpaceX rocket in 2019 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, USA

The network will enable Audi lunar exploration vehicles to communicate with each other and with a base station.

The 4G signal, provided by Vodafone, will also be able to transmit high-definition video streaming of the Moon’s surface.

“This project involves a radically innovative approach to the development of mobile network infrastructure” said Dr Hannes Ametsreiter, CEO of Vodafone Germany.

The vehicles are exploring the Moon as a potential human habitat. The introduction of a 4G network is hoped to be the first step to creating a communications infrastructure for future lunar missions.

The network will help to save energy, as mobile signal is more energy efficient than analogue radio.

“The great thing about this LTE solution is that it saves so much power, and the less energy we use sending data, the more we have to do science”, said Robert Böhme, CEO of PTScientists.

The launch of the network may mean the Moon will have 4G signal while people in many parts of the UK still struggle to connect.

“In order for humanity to leave the cradle of Earth, we need to develop infrastructures beyond our home planet”, said Mr Böhme..





