China Seeks to Repeal Term Limit, Opening Way for Xi 시진핑 장기집권 시나리오 본격 시동
China Seeks to Repeal Term Limit, Opening Way for Xi
By Keith Zhai
2018년 2월 25일 오후 5:32 GMT+9
China’s Communist Party proposed removing from the constitution language limiting the president to two terms, the clearest sign yet that Xi Jinping intends to extend his tenure as state leader.
Xi JinpingPhotographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg
시진핑 장기집권 시나리오 본격 시동
중국 공산당은 헌법에 나와있는 주석의 임기 제한을 철폐하는 제안을 했다.
중국 연방을 총괄하려는 시진핑의 야욕이 결국 드러난 셈.
현재 주석의 임기는 2년 연속 재임만 가능하게 되어 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
The party’s decision-making Central Committee wants to strike language from the document that says the country’s head of state “shall serve no more than two consecutive terms,” the official Xinhua News Agency said Sunday. The announcement came a day before the committee plans to meet in Beijing to consider key personnel appointments and government-restructuring moves.
The constitutional provision barring the president from serving more than 10 years is the only formal barrier keeping Xi, who also serves as party leader and commander-in-chief of the military, from ruling after 2023. Speculation that Xi, who came to power in 2012, would seek to rule for longer has intensified since he declined to line up a clear successor at a twice-a-decade party reshuffle in October.