VIDEO: Virgin unveils its pod prototype that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph between Abu Dhabi and Dubai in just 12 minutes 두바이 하이퍼루프원 시제품 공개

What riding the Hyperloop will really be like: Virgin unveils its pod prototype that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph between Abu Dhabi and Dubai in just 12 minutes

Dubai's Road Transport Authority unveiled the Virgin designed prototypes at a ceremony held in the city

They boast deluxe interiors and high definition screens for displaying information and entertainment

Each is designed to travel short and medium distances and can accommodate up to ten passengers

The service will carry 10,000 passengers per hour in both directions and could launch as soon as 2020

UAE 도로교통청인 RTA가 하이퍼루프원의 시제품을 공개했다.

고급스런 인테리어와 고해상도 스크린 등이 설치되어 있으며

모두 중단거리 여행에 적합하게 설계.

객실 하나에는 10명까지 수용

속도 1,200km/h

두바이~아부다비까지 12분 소요

양방향으로 시간당 1만명의 승객을 실어나른다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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RTA chief says Hyperloop routes identified in UAE

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Tim Collins For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 13:59 GMT, 23 February 2018

Virgin has unveiled a stunning prototype of the pods that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph (1,200 kmh) when it launches its Hyperloop service in Dubai.

Hyperloop's low friction design means that passengers will be able to travel the 87 miles (140 km) between the city and neighbouring Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, a journey that takes around 90 minutes by car. 

The concept pods give a first glimpse of the luxurious conditions inside the futuristic transport vehicles, which could be launched as soon as 2020.

Virgin has unveiled a stunning prototype of the pods that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph (1,200 kmh) when it launches its Hyperloop service in Dubai. Hyperloop's low friction design means that passengers will be able to travel the 87 miles (140 km) between the city and neighbouring Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, a journey that takes around 90 minutes by car

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