화려한 색의 종이로 만든 각양각색의 산호 lorful Paper-Cut Sculpture Captures the Diversity of a Coral Reef

Colorful Paper-Cut Sculpture Captures the Diversity of a Coral Reef

By Emma Taggart on February 16, 2018

프랑스 종이디자이너 겸 일러스트레이터 'Mlle Hipolyte'의 작품

French paper designer and illustrator Mlle Hipolyte creates colorful sculptures out of intricately cut paper shapes. Previously mentioned for her three-dimensional animal masks, the artist’s latest piece of paper art is a magnificent, three-dimensional representation of a vibrant coral reef. Titled Coralium, the entirely hand-made creation is approximately 6.5 feet long by 3 feet tall, and was formed using various paper craft techniques, including quilling, scoring, and 3D modeling.

Not only inspired by the stunning vibrancy of a coral reef, Hipolyte’s piece represents the fragility of the under-the-sea ecosystem, which is sadly in danger due to global warming and rising ocean temperatures. Set into a wooden frame, Hipolyte’s paper coral reef brims with a multitude of lush textures that mimic the coral’s diverse range of organic forms. From fringing reefs, to stoney barnacles, every angle allows the viewer to appreciate the details of each of the paper-cut coral species in all their beauty.

You can see more of Hipolyte’s paper art creations via her website.

French artist Mlle Hipolyte’s latest paper art sculpture is a magnificent, three-dimensional representation of a vibrant coral reef.

Paper Art Coral Reef by Mlle Hipolyte

Titled Coralium, the entirely hand-made, colorful creation was formed using various paper craft techniques, including quilling, scoring, and 3D modeling.

Paper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle Hipolyte

The piece represents the fragility of the under-the-sea ecosystem, which is sadly in danger due to global warming and rising ocean temperatures.

Paper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle HipolytePaper Art Coral Reef by Mlle Hipolyte

Mlle Hipolyte: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Behance
h/t: [Brown Paper Bag]

All images via Mlle Hipolyte.



