VIDEO: Underwater supervolcano could erupt without warning and kill 100 million people after scientists find a 6-mile wide lava dome growing off the coast of Japan 이 화산 터지면 1억명이 사망?

Underwater supervolcano could erupt without warning and kill 100 million people after scientists find a 6-mile wide lava dome growing off the coast of Japan

Japanese researchers have found evidence of a giant dome containing lava

The dome lies within the mostly submerged Kikai Caldera south of Kyushu Island

A researcher says the lava dome could kill up to 100 million people if it erupts

But the risk of a caldera eruption hitting Japan is just 1% in the next 100 years 

이 화산 터지면 1억명이 사망? 

일본 지진 전문가들은 화산에 거대한 용암 돔이 있다는 사실을 알아냈다.  

이 돔 용암돔은 자그마치 폭이 10 km 높이가 600m나 되며 계속 커지고 있다.

큐슈 남부의 키카이 칼데라로 거의 대부분 바다에 잠겨있으며

만일 이 돔 용암이 폭발하여 분출되면 1억명이 사망할 수 있다는 진단을 내렸다.

그러나 100년 이내 분출 가능성은 1%에 불과하다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 11:05 GMT, 13 February 2018

A submerged volcano off the coast of Japan that erupted 7,300 years ago could be preparing to make a comeback.  

Scientists have discovered evidence of a giant dome of lava in the Kikai volcano's collapsed magma chamber.

Japanese researchers have found evidence of a giant dome of lava containing about 32 cubic kilometres 

(7.68 cubic miles) of magma. The dome lies within Kikai Caldera, which lies beneath Satsuma Iōjima (pictured, 

which belongs to the southerly Ōsumi Islands Archipelago)

A relief image map of Kikai Caldera. Inner and outer caldera rims are shown by solid lines. Magma movement (yellow)

 can be seen in this image along the caldera's rim. Dredge (yellow diamond), ROV diving (blue diamonds), and scuba 

diving (yellow triangles) points where researchers conducted their studies are shown

They believe it contains about 32 cubic km (7.68 cubic miles) of magma, and distortions on its surface suggest the dome is growing.

Lava domes form when less viscous lava erupts from a vent. Because it is less viscous, the lava does not spread far, 

so it cools and hardens rapidly. The lava piles up around the vent, and the dome grows. Lava domes usually have 

steep walls because the lava piles up around the vent

Currently the dome is around  6.2 miles (10 kilometers) wide and 1,968 feet (600 meters) tall. 

Scientists say an eruption could take place without warning, and if it does, it could kill as many as 100 million people and trigger a 'volcanic winter'.  

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