중국의 핑탄해협 고속철 철도교 건설현장 VIDEO: China is building a £1.2 billion high-speed railway across the notoriously choppy waters of the 'Bermuda Triangle of Asia'
China is building a £1.2 billion high-speed railway across the notoriously choppy waters of the 'Bermuda Triangle of Asia'
Mission impossible: Chinese workers are building a high-speed railway bridge (pictured) off the coast of south-east
China, which is a 'no-go zone' for bridge builders due to high winds
Pingtan Strait Railroad Bridge spans across rough sea off south-east China
The area is a 'no-go zone' for bridge builders due to high winds and huge waves
Workers are using a team of monster bridge-building machines for the project
The bridge is a part of a £2.6 billion railway and set to be complete in 2019
아시아의 버뮤다 삼각지대
중국이 남동쪽 핑탄해협에 건설 중인 철도교 건설 현장
12억불을 들여 고속철도를 건설 중에 있다.
이 핑탄해협은 파도가 세고 강풍이 불어서 사람들 사이에서는
금기구역으로 알려져 있다.
작업자들은 이곳에 거대한 교량 가설장비를 투입해 시공 중에 있으며
총공사비 26억불 짜리 프로젝트의 일환으로 2019년 완공된다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
PUBLISHED: 09:06 GMT, 12 February 2018
Chinese workers are constructing an impressive railroad bridge in an area that has been considered a 'no-go zone' for bridge builders.
The £1.2 billion Pingtan Strait Railroad Bridge spans across the extremely rough sea off the coast of south-east China, a region that has apparently seen the mysterious disappearances of many jets and boats and is dubbed the 'Bermuda Triangle of Asia'.
Monster machines: China has built a team of impressive drillships and cranes for the bridge. One of then, the
'Bridge Seagull' crane vessel, is pictured lifting a 1,350-tonne steel beam
The disappearance of 85 ships in the area in 2016 sparked speculation that the waters off southern China, Japan,
Indonesia and the Philippines could be a new Bermuda Triangle
Chinese engineers, who started on the project in 2013, are confident that they could complete the colossal traffic link next year. And not only that, they have planned to run high-speed trains above the notoriously choppy waters.
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