2018 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index 각국의 무인자동차 도입 인프라 여건 조성 순위

2018 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index

Mr Richard Threlfall

The Autonomous Vehicle Readiness Index shows which countries are most prepared for driverless cars.


KPMG 인터내셔널 평가 


무인자동차 도입 인프라 여건 조성 순위

네덜란드 1위

싱가포르 2위

미국 스웨덴이 각 3,4위

일본 11위

한국은 10위 

정책 및 제도 14위(미흡)

기술 혁신  9위(보통)

인프라 시설 4위(우수)

소비자 선호도 11위(미흡)

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are poised to revolutionize not only transportation but the way people live and work throughout the world. But are countries ready for an AV-driven future? The 2018 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI) provides an in-depth view of what it takes for countries to meet the challenges of self-driving vehicles, evaluating the preparedness of a cross-section of 20 countries globally.

The AVRI is the first study of its kind, examining where countries are today in terms of progress and capacity for adapting AV technology. The Index evaluates each country according to four pillars that are integral to a country's capacity to adopt and integrate autonomous vehicles. These include: policy & legislation; technology & innovation, infrastructure and consumer acceptance.


edited by kcontents

The pillars are comprised of a number of variables that reflect the wide range of factors that impact a country's AV readiness, from the availability of electric vehicle charging stations, to AV technology R&D, to the population's acceptance of the technology, to the regulatory environment.

We hope this index proves a useful tool in the assessment of the readiness of countries to adopt one of this century's most exciting technologies.

Learn more about the AVRI and how each country performed by accessing the full report.



