Watch: Time lapse video shows fish-friendly culvert construction in Troutdale 연어를 위한 배수 암거 어도 조성

Watch: Time lapse video shows fish-friendly culvert construction in Troutdale

by KATU Staff

The Multnomah County Office of Sustainability produced a time-lapse video showing the four-month construction of a fish-friendly culvert in Troutdale.

(Multnomah County Office of Sustainability)

연어를 위한 배수 암거 어도 조성

트라우트데일에 있는 마운트 후드커뮤니티대학 옆에 있는 스타크길 아래의 비버천류에는 

여러 종류의 보호 연어가 서식하고 있다.

이곳에 있는 배수 암거 구조물은 연어들이 산란을 위해 상류로 가는데 장애물이 되었다.

미국 오리건 주 멀트노머 카운티의 한 건설사는 이 비좁은 구조물을 연어가 수월하게 

헤엄쳐 갈 수 있도록 더 큰 암거 구조물로 교체하는 시공을 했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

In 2017, a Multnomah County contractor replaced a narrow box culvert that carried Beaver Creek under Stark Street next to Mount Hood Community College in Troutdale.

The old culvert was a barrier that prevented salmon from reaching spawning areas upstream. Several species of protected salmon thrive in the lower section of the creek. A larger arch culvert was installed during the summer with a natural creek bottom. Within two weeks of project completion, native salmon were spotted swimming through the culvert. 

The culvert replacement is one of several Multnomah County projects that will open several miles of Beaver Creek habitat for threatened fish species in the next several years.

A culvert under Cochran Road upstream from Stark Street will be replaced with a bridge in 2019.


