크기가 1/3로 줄어드는 접는 바퀴 VIDEO: That really IS reinventing the wheel: Inventor reveals foldable design that collapses to just a third of its size

That really IS reinventing the wheel: Inventor reveals foldable design that collapses to just a third of its size

The Revolve wheel is a full-sized 26in wheel that folds down to just 8 inches

Uses hexagonal design to allow for both stability and collapsablity when needed

The inventor says it could be used for bikes, wheelchairs, trolleys, and more 

26인치의 바뀌를 접으면 1/3인 8인치로 줄여든다.

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발명자는 자전거 휳체어 트롤리 등등에 사용할 수 있다고 말한다.

German designer Andrea Mocellin has unveiled a new foldable-wheel design that could revolutionize mobility. While folding bikes have become a common sight among urban commuters, they’re only as small as the wheels allow them to be. After years of research – and hundreds of 3D models – the inventor has revealed the incredible Revolve wheel that collapses like an umbrella, allowing riders to have the benefits of a full-sized wheel while saving as much as 60 percent space when needed.

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