올해 최고의 혁신적인 디자인과 기술들 Best of 2017: Top Innovative Design and Technology Developments of the Year

Best of 2017: Top Innovative Design and Technology Developments of the Year

By Jessica Stewart on December 29, 2017

좋은 디자인과 기술은 삶의 질을 향상시킨다.

Modern Met에서는 올해 그동안 소개됐던 혁신적인 아이디어 제품 중 

Top 10선을 선정했다.

The best design and technology has the ability not only to improve our lives, but make a mark on society. As 2017 winds down, My Modern Met looks back at the most innovative technology and design we've covered this year. Environmentally conscious design continues to be a trend, as large companies and individual designers strive to improve the planet via breakthroughs in the products we use every day. In fact, half of our top 10 list—from solar tiles to drones that mimic bee pollination—were created to help combat the effects of pollution or global warming.

Art and creativity are also at the forefront, with advances in video editing software and paint pigments expanding possibilities in a number of creative fields. And our list rounds out with three items that keep you connected—or help you tune out noise—regardless of language or disability. Keep reading to discover the design and technology that captured our imagination in 2017, making us more excited than ever for what the coming years hold.

Our top 10 design and technology innovations are all products that made waves throughout 2017.

GOOGLE PIXEL BUDS 구글 픽셀 버드: 블루투스 이어폰  

오디오 제어기능출시가 159불

Google Pixel Buds top technology 2017

During their Pixel 2 event in San Francisco, Google demoed their new wireless headphones, Pixel Buds. During the onstage demonstration, Google blew the crowd away, displaying the Pixel Buds' ability to act as an in-ear translator with the help of Google Assistant on the Pixel 2 phone. Suddenly, with the help of technology, the world got much more connected.

top tech innovations 2017 tesla solar roof

READ MORE: Tesla Unveils Beautifully Camouflaged Solar Powered Shingles (Photo: Tesla)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is known for his showmanship, and the unveiling of the company's solar-powered shingles was no exception. At the end of 2016, Tesla held an event at the Universal Studios set of Desperate Housewives to show off the four distinct styles of solar shingles and in 2017 they made good on their promises. Pricing was revealed, and is quite competitive, and the first solar roofs have been delivered and installed. Musk promises that production will ramp up in 2018, making the coming year an exciting one for this design innovation.


ADOBE CLOAK 어도비 클로욱: 동영상 편집 프로그램

동영상에서 원하지 않는 부분을 쉽게 제거 기능

The 2017 Adobe MAX unveiled many new innovations by the software firm, but nothing got us quite as excited at Adobe Cloak. Filmmakers were left speechless by demonstrations of this new feature, which allows video editors to erase unwanted elements from video footage seamlessly. While there has been no announcement of where and when this feature will go live, we're betting on sooner rather than later.

STUART SEMPLE BLACK 2.0 스튜어드 셈플 블랙 2 : 물감(미술재료)

미술용품 중에서는가장 검은색에 가깝고 최상의 무광택 물감

There's nothing quite like revenge as good motivation to get creative. After Anish Kapoor bought exclusive rights to use Vantablack, known as the blackest substance in existence, artist Stuart Semple got busy working on an alternative. The result is Stuart Semple Black 2.0—”the most pigmented, flattest, mattest, black acrylic paint in the world.” And via Semple's website Culture Hustle, it's available to all (as long as you aren't Anish Kapoor, that is).



시각 장애인들을 위한 스마트 시계

After years in development, the world's first braille smartwatch was released on a limited testing basis. Dot, developed in South Korea, is the first smartwatch to have raised characters allowing people who are blind to not only tell the time, but read messages and notifications. Dot was recently part of the Good Design Best 100 at the Good Design Awards in Tokyo, Japan.



생수 플라스틱 병 불필요.

Ooho! is looking to tackle the world's plastic problem by developing an alternative to plastic bottles. Made from seaweed extract, Ooho! is an edible bubble you can fill with water, juice, or any liquid. And if not ingested, it takes just 4 to 6 weeks to decompose. Already tested at events in the United States and UK, Skipping Rocks Lab—the company that innovated Ooho!—recently won the New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize in the Circular Design Challenge for continued developments with Ooho!



외부 소음 조절  기능 

Knops are Dutch designed adjustable earplugs that allow you to tune out outside noise and create a quiet environment wherever you may be or protect your hearing, while delivering quality sound. After a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, Knops are now on the market for regular consumers. Combining stylish design with analog technology, the innovative earplugs have four settings for every possible need—clear sounds, city noise, live music, and isolation.



꽃에 닿았을 때 꽃가루를 빨아들이고 다른 꽃으로 이동하면서 꽃가루를 내뿜어 교차수분 패턴을 재현.

innovative design 2017

READ MORE: Innovative ‘Plan Bee’ Drone Artificially Pollinates Plants Like a Real Bee (Photo: Anna Haldewang and Savannah College of Art and Design)

As different species of bees become endangered, it's more important than ever to think of innovative solutions for pollination. Industrial design student Anna Haldewang's Plan Bee is a lightweight plastic drone that pollinates plants just like a bee. Proving that being a student isn't a barrier to incredible design ideas, Haldewang has already applied for a patent and hopes to have a product on the market within two years.


숨쉬는 살아있는 샹들리에: 

70개의 유리잎으로 구성. 이 속에는 조류가 채워져 있으며 공기정화와 디스플레이 기능이 있다.

Design engineer and biotechnologist Julian Melchiorri created Exhale to combine aesthetic beauty and environmental function with this “living” chandelier. The stunning centerpiece is composed of 70 glass leaves filled with algae that purify air and was on display at the V&A Museum in London as part of the London Design Festival, where Melchiorri was awarded an Emerging Talent Medal.



도심 속 공기 정화를 위해 이끼가 나무를 대신

At just four meters tall and three meters wide, Green City Solutions' CityTree has the power of 275 urban trees. Created from moss culture, CityTree absorbs 250 grams of dust, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone gases daily, making it a creative way to combat air pollution. And with solar panels that collect rainwater and generate electricity, it can also test air and soil pollution. CityTree has already been installed in 20 urban areas, with a focus on India.



