Bauhaus: How the Avant-Garde Movement Transformed Modern Art 바우하우스: 아방 가르드 운동은 어떻게 현대 예술에 영향을 미쳤는가?

Bauhaus: How the Avant-Garde Movement Transformed Modern Art

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on December 8, 2017

바우하우스: 아방 가르드 운동은 어떻게 현대 예술에 영향을 미쳤는가?

아방가르드 Avant-Garde 

프랑스어로 군대 중에서도 맨 앞에 서서 가는 '선발대'를 일컫는 말이다. 아방가르드라는 단어는 영어, 독일어, 프랑스어에서 예술, 문화 혹은 정치에서 새로운 경향이나 운동을 선보인 작품이나 사람을 칭하는 말로 흔히 쓰인다. 한국어에서는 전위로 번역되어 전위예술, 전위음악, 전위재즈와 같은 낱말에서 쓰인다. 대개 아방가르드는 문화적 맥락에서 당연한 것으로 받아들여졌던 경계를 허무는 표현의 일종이다 출처 위키백과

20세기를 통해서 아방 가르드 예술의 여러 형태들은 현대예술이 변화하는데 도움을 주었다.

초현실주의 에너지 넘치는 추상적 표현주의 등 같은 많은 장르의 그림이 한창 인기를 구가하는 동안

바우하우스 운동은 광범위한 매체, 재료, 그리고 분야들을 총망라했다.

건축이나 인테리어에 그림이나 그래픽의 적용에 있어서

바우하우스 예술은  1920~30년대의 시험적인 유럽예술을 통해 많은 산물을 만들어 냈다.

독일과 가장 밀접하게 관련되어 있지만 모든 아티스트들이 매력을 느끼고 영감을 받는다.

오늘날 그 영향은 어느 곳이든지 전세계의 예술과 디자인에서 찾을 수 있다.

바우하우스 Bauhaus:

슈타틀리헤스 바우하우스, 혹은 줄여서 바우하우스는 1919년부터 1933년까지 독일 에서 설립·운영된 학교로, 미술과 공예, 사진, 건축 등과 관련된 종합적인 내용을 교육하였다. 발터 그로피우스가 1919년 바이마르에서 설립했다가, 1925년 데사우로 옮겼다. '바우하우스'는 독일어로 '건축의 집'을 의미한다. 1933년 나치스에 의해 강제로 폐쇄되기 전까지 14년간 운영되었다. 위키백과

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Throughout the 20th century, several styles of avant-garde art helped shape modern art. While many of these genres—including subconscious-based surrealism and energetic abstract expressionism—predominantly favored paintings, the Bauhaus movement encompassed a wide array of mediums, materials, and disciplines.

Ranging from paintings and graphics to architecture and interiors, Bauhaus art dominated many outlets of experimental European art throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Though it is most closely associated with Germany, it attracted and inspired artists of all backgrounds. Today, its influence can be found in art and design all over the world, whether within the walls of a museum or on a suburban street.

What is Bauhaus?

Bauhaus—literally translated to “construction house”—originated as a German school of the arts in the early 20th century. Founded by Walter Gropius, the school eventually morphed into its own modern art movement characterized by its unique approach to architecture and design. Today, Bauhaus is renowned for both its unique aesthetic that inventively combines the fine arts with arts and crafts as well as its enduring influence on modern and contemporary art.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

he Bauhaus Logo (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)


In 1919, German architect Walter Gropius established Staatliches Bauhaus, a school dedicated to uniting all branches of the arts under one roof. The school acted as a hub for Europe's most experimental creatives, with well-known artists like Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee offering their expertise as instructors.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Photo: Susanlenox

Bauhaus as an educational institution existed in 3 cities—Weimar (1919 to 1925), Dessau (1925 to 1932), and Berlin (1932 to 1933)—until it was closed due to mounting pressures from the Nazis. However, even after facing permanent closure, the influence and aesthetic of the school persisted, culminating in the Bauhaus movement.

Style of Bauhaus

The style of Bauhaus is commonly characterized as a combination of the Arts and Crafts movement with modernism, as evident in its emphasis on function and, according to the Tate, its “aim to bring art back into contact with everyday life.” Thus, typical Bauhaus designs—whether evident in painting, architecture, or interior design—feature little ornamentation and a focus on balanced forms and abstract shapes.

Bauhaus Art

In art, this emphasis on function is apparent in the balanced compositions of abstract pantings by Bauhaus artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. Undoubtedly inspired by architecture, Bauhaus paintings typically pair flat planes with overlapping shapes to suggest dimensionality.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Yellow-Red-Blue (1925) by Wassily Kandinsky (Photo: Musée national d'art moderne via Wikimedia Commons)

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Red Balloon (1922) by Paul Klee (Photo: Timothy Armstrong)

In addition to paintings, Bauhaus artists often produced abstract sculptures, avant-garde collages, and modernist posters featuring bold typography and blocks of color.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Bauhaus Exhibition Poster (1923) (Photo: iv toran)

Bauhaus Architecture

Similar to Bauhaus art, architecture in this style is characterized by harmoniously balanced geometric shapes and an emphasis on function.

Featuring open plans and lots of glass, it is inspired by the simple yet polished look of the American Arts and Crafts movement—a genre popularized by master architect and Prairie School pioneer Frank Lloyd Wright.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright (Photo: Carol M. Highsmith via Wikimedia Commons)

Furthermore, this modern architecture movement heavily inspired the look of mid-century modern homes, which borrow the clean lines and functional design of Bauhaus buildings.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Photo: MichaelGaida

Bauhaus Interior Design

Bauhaus interiors are renowned for their simplicity and openness. Minimally adorned with iconic furniture—including the Wassily Chair, a model named after Kandinsky—and uncomplicated accents, they perfectly echo their exteriors.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Photo: Spyrosdrakopoulos via Wikimedia Commons

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Photo: PeterDrews via Wikimedia Commons

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Photo: pyrosdrakopoulos via Wikimedia Commons


Today, Bauhaus is often credited as the catalyst for modern architecture and furniture and as an important influence on mid-20th century painting and sculpture. Some Bauhaus buildings—including Bauhaus Dessau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site—have been turned into tourist destinations and house museums, while many major modern art museums incorporate Bauhaus works of art into their permanent displays and popular exhibitions.

Bauhaus Art Bauhaus Design Bauhaus Architecture What is Bauhaus What is the Bauhaus Movement

Bauhaus Dessau (Photo: Mewes via Wikimedia Commons)



