러시아 가공할 전투 방호복 VIDOE:Russia unveils its 'Superman suit' that allows soldiers to walk through fire and explosions unharmed

Russia unveils its 'Superman suit' that allows soldiers to walk through fire and explosions unharmed

Made of a heat-resistant 'aramid' type material that can withstand 30 seconds of direct contact from flames, the suit could give Russian soldiers a huge advantage in battlefields of the future

러시아 가공할 전투 방호복 개발 

폭발 총탄 화염에도 견뎌

폭발과 화염을 견디는 첨단 수트가 러시아에서 개발됐다.

러시아군의 새로운 군수품 '라트니크(전사 혹은 전사의 갑옷을 의미)' 중에서 

눈에 띄는 전투수트 영상이 공개됐다. 

이 영상은 러시아군 첨단 방호복의 놀라운 내구력을 홍보하기 위해 만들어졌다.

출처 뉴스핌

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

The 'Superman suit' is part of the Russian military's Ratnik combat gear 

The aim is to create body armour that dramatically boosts strength and stamina

It is made of material that withstands 30 seconds of direct contact from flames

Footage released shows a man wearing the suit at an unspecified test facility 

He appears to be able to stand next to an explosion and walk through flames 


PUBLISHED: 16:20 GMT, 1 November 2017

Russian scientists claim to have created a 'Superman suit' that lets soldiers walk through explosions and searing fire unscathed.

Made of a heat-resistant 'aramid' material that can withstand 30 seconds of direct contact from flames, the suit could give Russian soldiers a huge advantage in battlefields of the future.

The heat-proof suit is still in the testing phase and is expected to be ready for use by 2020, when it may also be available for purchase by civilians. 

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