세계 최초의 플로팅 국가..."2020년에 볼 수 있다" VIDEO: The world's first floating nation designed to 'liberate humanity from politicians' will appear in the Pacific Ocean by 2020
The world's first floating nation designed to 'liberate humanity from politicians' will appear in the Pacific Ocean by 2020
The radical plans, bankrolled by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, will see a floating nation built in the Pacific Ocean
Hotels, homes, offices and restaurants, and more will be built by 2020 by the nonprofit Seasteading Institute
In January the firm made a deal with French Polynesia to set up an experimental nation off its coast
Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, said he wants to see 'thousands' of floating cities by 2050
세계 최초의 플로팅 국가.
정치인들로부터 사람들을 자유롭게 해방시키기 위해 설계됐으며
드디어 2020년 태평양 해상에 그 모습을 보이게 된다.
페이팔 창립자인 피터 틸이 재원을 댄 이 철저하게 계획된 해상도시는
호텔 주택 레스토랑 사무실 등이 들어서며 비영리 시스테딩 연구소에 의해
2020년까지 건설된다.
시스테딩 연구소는 올 1월 프랑스 폴리네시아와 시범적 플로팅 국가를
건설하기 위한 협상을 했으며 2050년까지 수천개의 플로팅시티 건설을
원하고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
The world's first floating nation is set to appear in the Pacific Ocean off the island of Tahiti in 2020.
A handful of hotels, homes, offices, restaurants and more will be built in the next few years by the nonprofit Seasteading Institute, which hopes to 'liberate humanity from politicians'.
The radical plans, bankrolled by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, could see the creation of an independent nation that will float in international waters and operate within its own laws.
In a new interview, Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, said he wants to see 'thousands' of rogue floating cities by 2050, each of them 'offering different ways of governance'.
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