장엄하기까지 한 네덜란드의 꽃축제 Spectacular Flower Parade Marches Down Colorful Floats Festooned with Thousands of Dahlias

Spectacular Flower Parade Marches Down Colorful Floats Festooned with Thousands of Dahlias

By Jessica Stewart on September 5, 2017

Photo: Corso Zundert

네덜란드의 꽃 축제.

1936년 이후 9월 첫째 일요일이면 한 작은 마을에서 성대한 

행사가 치러지며 올해로 81회를 맞이했다.

마을은 정성이 깃들인 무대로 바뀌며 꽃으로 장식한 배들이 등장한다.

코르소 준데르트(Corso Zundert)는 연례 행사로 준데르트는 

빈센트 반 고흐의 고향이기도 하다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Since 1936, the first Sunday of September has seen the streets of a small Netherlandish town transform into a stage for elaborate, flower-festooned floats. The Corso Zundert is an annual tradition on Vincent Van Gogh‘s hometown of Zundert, with the flower parade drawing huge crowds to see the spectacular floats.

Adorned only with dahlias, the parade pits 20 different neighborhoods against one another, as they hope to win the top prize in the public vote. The event is entirely volunteer driven, with the year long preparations—from dahlia cultivation to construction—bringing together the community. The tradition draws in all generations, with senior members of the community typically tending to the gardens, while the younger generation does the heavy lifting in putting together the colorful floats, which are covered with thousands of flowers.

Throughout the summer each hamlet works on their float, with tents erected in May or June as volunteers work to perfect their float. The flowers are the finishing touch. Since they must be fresh, the dahlias are put in place just three days before the event, with workers racing around the clock to make sure each area of the float is covered.

The winning float from the 2017 parade comes from the Schijf hamlet, with its float of a figure reclining on a chair carried by volunteers. The victory was a first for the neighborhood, after coming in third several times. Let's take a closer look at this year's parade and the fabulous flower floats.

The Corso Zundert flower parade is an annual tradition dating back to 1936.

Corso Zundert 2017 Flower Parade

Photo: Romy Fernandez

Corso Zundert Flower Parade 2017

Photo: Romy Fernandez

20 different hamlets compete—making preparations all year—to build the best float adorned with thousands of dahlias.

Corso Zundert: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Romy Fernandez.


