좀비로 변한 독일 G20 시위대들 1,000 Ghostly Grey Figures Slowly Marched in Protest at the G20 Summit

1,000 Ghostly Grey Figures Slowly Marched in Protest at the G20 Summit

  지난주 독일 함부르크에 개최된 G20 정상회담에 반대하는 시민들이

유령 퍼포먼스를 벌였다.

시위 이유로는  난민 위기, 무역 불균형, 테러리즘 대응 여성일자리 

보장 등에 관한 것들이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on July 10, 2017

Leaders from across the globe met in Hamburg, Germany for the 12th G20 Summit last week. Intended as a means to discuss “issues of global significance,” this year's event focused on trade, the ongoing refugee crisis, counter-terrorism, and women's workplace rights. In addition to presidents, prime ministers, and chancellors, the summit attracted 1000 GESTALTEN—a collective composed of “people from the fields of art, crafts, and communication”—to the city, where 1,000 of its clay-covered members marched in the street.

Using the G20 Summit as a platform for their protest, the group executed a 2-hour-long performance art piece. The unique spectacle featured a large group of individuals doused in dust. This fascinating effect turned everything from their suits to their skin grey, giving them a zombie-like, ghostly appearance intended to represent societal oppression. Thus, while covered in this symbolic substance, the protestors remained silent and somber. However, later in the performance, they shed their dusty garments and solemn expressions, revealing colorful t-shirts and smiling faces.

According to 1000 GESTALTEN, this piece acted as a call for both attention and solidarity. “We cannot wait until change happens from the world's most powerful, we have to show political and social responsibility—all of us—now!” a spokesman for the collective said in a statement. “Our campaign is a further symbol for the fact that many people do not want to put up with the destructive impact of capitalism any longer. What will save us in the end is not our account balance but someone who will offer their holding hand.”

In light of the G20 Summit, the 1000 GESTALTEN collective held a performance art protest in which 1,000 of its members covered themselves in ghostly grey clay.

While disguised in this substance, the protest art participants marched silently and solemnly.

Photo: Andrea Ruester

Photo: Christian Angl

Photo: Christian Angl

Photo: Christian Angl

Photo: Christian Angl

Later on, however, they shed the outer shells and colorfully celebrated their transformation.

Photo: Christian Angl

Photo: Andrea Ruester

1000 GESTALTEN: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
h/t: [designboom]

All images via 1000 GESTALTEN unless otherwise stated.

