러시아의 거대한 플라스틱 코끼리 Giant Plastic Elephant Emerges in Russian City of Arkhangelsk :VIDEO

Giant Plastic Elephant Emerges in Russian City of Arkhangelsk (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The construction of a giant elephant made of recycled materials in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk began back in September. The stunning monument is now located in the very heart of Arkhangelsk on the Red Pier and every northerner made a contribution to its construction.

러시아의 아르한겔스크(Arkhangelsk) 지역 주민들에 의해 

만들어진  거대한 코끼리.

이 모두 재활용 재료를 이용해 만들어졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

The animal carcass was made of metal structures welded together at the factory. Citizens contributed to its construction by bringing plastic bottles which later became a part of the elephant’s carcass. However, despite the large scale of the construction, at some point, people started to doubt that the construction will ever be completed.

​The organizers of this monument in turn assured that the construction of the giant beast would be finished. They explained that the slow progress was due to the harsh northern weather and labor shortage.

Finally the New Year's miracle happened when the eight-meter tall elephant weighing 2.5 tons and consisting of 4,450 recycled bottles was completed. It now stands tall and proud in the city’s center for the viewer’s admiration. The purpose of the construction was to enter the “Guinness Book of World Records.”

The experts will estimate the exact number of bottles used to make the elephant and the calculations will be sent to the committee of the Guinness Book of Records.

Some of the citizens were not too excited about a recycled elephant in the very heart of Arkhangelsk. For those people the good news is that the elephant will be eventually disassembled and the bottles will be sent for recycling.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/society/201701091049398777-giant-plastic-elephant-arkhangelsk

