240년 된 스스로 글 쓰는 인형... Remarkable 240-Year-Old Doll Automaton Can Write Actual Programmable Text(VIDEO)
1770년에 만들어진 인형이 실제로 스스로 글을 쓴다.
아마도 세계에 제일 오래된 컴퓨터 중의 하나로 인정받을지도
모르는 '글 쓰는 인형' 이라고 불리는 오토메이션 기능을 가진
이 작은 인형은 스위스 시계장인인 '피에르 자케 드로(1721~1790)'에
의해서 시계의 성능을 개선시키기 위해서 만들어졌다.
Ki Chul Hwang 황기철
Conpaper Editor 콘페이퍼 에디터
Posted by Jenny Zhang
Designed and constructed in the 1770s, this extraordinary little doll is actually a self-operating machine that's believed by some to be one of the oldest examples of a computer. Known as "The Writer," the automaton was built by Swiss-born watchmaker Pierre Jaquet-Droz in order to entertain nobility and promote watches. In addition to "The Writer," the ingenious craftsman created two other incredible doll automata with the help of his son Henri-Louis and Jean-Frederic Leschot.
Jaquet-Droz's 240-year-old masterpiece is an astonishing work of engineering that operates thanks to 6,000 moving parts in the body of the doll. The little boy blinks, moves his head, and uses a quill to write an elegant message on a piece of paper. This is made possible by a system of cams which code the movements of the hands in multiple dimensions. The most remarkable thing is that the doll can be programmed to write any 40 letters in any combination, meaning that his text can be customized at the user's will.
Other examples of the watchmaker's ingenuity can be seen in "The Draughtsman" and "The Musician," two other automata that he created. "The draughtsman" is a young boy that operates using machinery similar to the parts found in "The Writer." The young child can draw four different images: a portrait of Louis XV, a royal couple, a dog, and a scene of Cupid driving a chariot pulled by a butterfly. "The Musician" is an elegant female doll that produces real music by pressing her fingers on the keys of a custom-built organ.
Centuries after their construction, the dolls are still fully functional and can be seen at the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire of Neuchatel in Switzerland.

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