CCTV에 잡힌 러시아 외무부 길 건너편에서 벌어진 총격전 VIDEO: Gunfight across the street from Russian Foreign Ministry caught on CCTV

Gunfight across the street from Russian Foreign Ministry caught on CCTV

© Mash / Russia’s Investigative Committee


CCTV에 잡힌 러시아 외무부 길 건너편에서 벌어진 총격전

한 남성이 아무런 이유도 없이 경찰들을 향해 총을 발사했으며. 

이로 인해 경찰관 한명이 다리에 부상을 입었다.

경찰에 의해 머리에 총상을 입은 범인은 병원으로 

급히 이송되었지만 사망했다.

이 남성은 러시아 북부 코카서스에서 카바르디노 

발카리아 공화국의 31세 거주자로 확인된 것으로 알려졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

He opened fire at the police “with no apparent reason as they were passing by,” Yulia Ivanova, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokeswoman, told Interfax.

A police officer received a non-life-threatening wound to the leg in the incident, RIA Novosti reported.

A source told TASS the attacker was rushed to hospital, but couldn’t be saved and later died of a gunshot wound to the head. The man was reportedly identified as a 31-year-old resident of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in Russia’s North Caucasus.

He opened fire at the police “with no apparent reason as they were passing by,” Yulia Ivanova, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokeswoman, told Interfax.

A police officer received a non-life-threatening wound to the leg in the incident, RIA Novosti reported.

A source told TASS the attacker was rushed to hospital, but couldn’t be saved and later died of a gunshot wound to the head. The man was reportedly identified as a 31-year-old resident of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in Russia’s North Caucasus.

