인도네시아 롬복섬, 사망자 수 347명에 새로운 강력한 지진 또 발생 VIDEO: New strong quake hits Indonesia, levels buildings

New strong quake hits Indonesia, levels buildings 

Rescue workers and soldiers search for earthquake victims in Pemenang, Indonesia. August 8, 2018 © Antara Foto Agency / Reuters


인도네시아 롬복섬, 사망자 수 347명에 새로운 강력한 지진 또 발생 

인도네시아 롬복 섬에서 발생한 규모 7의 강진으로 인한 사망자 수가 347명으로 크게 늘어난데 이어

규모 6 정도의 새로운 강진이 발생했다.

이미 황폐화된 롬복섬은 패닉상태에 빠져 건물이 붕괴되고 사람들은 탈출 러시를 이루고 있는 상태다.

이번 지진은 수년동안 발생된지진 중 2번째로 강한 위력을 가지고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

The devastated Indonesian island of Lombok was hit by a new shallow earthquake on Thursday, when a 6-magnitude tremor reportedly caused buildings to collapse and people to flee in panic.

The quake damaged houses and sent people running into the streets, a spokesperson for Indonesia’s Disaster Mitigation Agency wrote on Twitter.

The 5.9-magnitude quake centered 23km away from the city of Mataram, the capital of the West Nusa Tenggara province, the US Geological Survey reported. It struck at a depth of 10km (6 miles). The local authorities reported it to be a 6.2-magnitude quake.

This is the second earthquake to ravage Lombok over the course of several days. The island was hit by tremors on Sunday, killing up to 347 people, according to the latest report citing emergency officials.


