Where a Loaf of Bread Costs an Arm and a Leg 빵값이 가장 비싼 나라는?

Where a Loaf of Bread Costs an Arm and a Leg
by Niall McCarthy,
Mar 15, 2018

A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit has revealed the top-10 most expensive cities in the world to live in. Singapore comes first, ahead of Paris and Zurich.

EIU 조사에 따르면 세계 물가가 가장 높은 나라 톱10 중 싱가포르가 1위로 파리나 취리히보다도 앞서있다.

서울은 6번째 이지만 빵값은 가장 비싼 도시로 기록되고 있다.

빵 1kg 당 15.59달러로 두번째으로 비싼 제네바의 6.45달러보다도 2.5배나 높다.

세계 최고 물가국가인 싱가포르는 오히려 빵값은 싸다. 3.71달러 밖에 안되니까

왜 그럴까?

케이콘텐츠 에디터 큐레이터

Even though Seoul came sixth overall, it had the highest average price for a loaf of bread of any city by far. On average, South Koreans have to pay $15.59 for a 1kg loaf of bread in their capital. That's much higher than Geneva where it averages $6.45. Even though Singapore was ranked the most expensive city overall, bread is cheaper there with a loaf averaging $3.71.
