올해 역대 최다 초고층 빌딩 건설 기록 CTBUH Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2017

CTBUH Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2017

  세계초고층도시건축학회(CTBUH)는 매년 완공된 200m 이상 빌딩들을 

조사하여 발표하고 있다.

세계에는 모두 1,319개의 200m이상의 빌딩들이 있다.

2017년에는 모두 200m 이상 빌딩 144개가 완공됐다.

이는 2016년 127개를 상회하는 역대 최다 기록으로 작년 대비 12.3%가 

증가했으며 겨우 263개 였던 2000년에 비해 무려  4배가 증가한 수치다.

The front view of Lotte World Tower. 554.5-metre/BusinessKorea

올해는 300m 이상 완공 빌딩만 15개. 첫 기록을 깬 2015년 숫자와 같다.

2016년 111개에서 올해는 126개로 증가했다.

기록적인 300m이상 빌딩 76개가 건설된 2013년 이후 4년만에 66%가 

증가한 숫자다. 

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Each year, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) publishes a study that examines all 200-meter-plus tall buildings that were completed during the preceding year. Click the tabs below to see charts related to each topic. The charts and descriptions are interactive. You can click on them to view more information on The Skyscraper Center, our tall building database.


The 144 buildings completed in 2017 beat every previous year on record, including the previous record high of 127 completions in 2016. This brings the total number of 200-meter-plus buildings in the world to 1,319, increasing 12.3% from 2016, marking a 402% increase from the year 2000, when only 263 existed. A total of 15 supertalls (buildings of 300 meters or higher) were completed in 2017, tying with 2015, the first year to break this record. The total number of supertall buildings worldwide is now 126, up from 111 in 2016. This fact is even more extraordinary considering that much of the activity has been in the past few years. The 2017 figure represents a 66% increase in just four years. In 2013, there were 76 buildings 300 meters or higher.


