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호날두, 240억 탈세 벌금 물고 23개월 징역형 집행유예 VDIEO; Cristiano Ronaldo accepts 2yr jail term and €19mln fine after pleading guilty to tax fraud

Engi- 2019. 1. 22. 23:33

Cristiano Ronaldo accepts 2yr jail term and €19mln fine after pleading guilty to tax fraud

Published time: 22 Jan, 2019 10:02

Portuguese football icon Cristiano Ronaldo has accepted a prearranged €18.8 million fine and a suspended 23-month jail term for tax fraud in Spain on Tuesday. The charges relate to his time at former club Real Madrid.

Cristiano Ronaldo accepts 2yr jail term and €19mln fine after pleading guilty to tax fraud



호날두, 240억 탈세 벌금 물고 23개월 징역형 집행유예

   포르투갈 출신의 축구 선수 크리스티아누 호날두가 22일 스페인 법정에서 이전 레알 마드리드 시절 탈세 부정 행위를 인정하고 1880만 유로(2140만달러, 242억원) 벌금을 납부하는 대신 23개월 징역형의 집행유예 처분을 받았다.

호날두(33 유벤투스)는 2011년~2014년 스페인 세무 당국을 속이며 1480만 유로의 세금을 내지 않은 혐의를 받았다. 2017년 마드리드 검찰은 호날두가 버진 아일랜드의 유령회사를 이용해 세무 당국으로부터 “총 수입액을 숨기기 위한 연막을 쳤다”고 지적했다. 

초상권 관련 수입 2840만 유로를 신고하지 않았으며 2011년~2014년 기간의 4300만 유로에 근접하는 수입 중 1150만 유로만 신고했다는 것이다. 

호날두는 이날 선글라스를 끼고 파트너인 조지나 로드리게스와 함께 마드리드 지방법원에 도착했다. 지하 주차장을 통해 법정에 들어갈 수 있도록 해달라는 그의 요청은 거부됐다.



edited by kcontents

Juventus winger Ronaldo arrived at the Madrid court hand in hand with Georgina Rodriguez and dressed in an all-black outfit finished off neatly with white trainers and shades and gave a thumbs up and grin to the assembled reporters outside.

A judge had earlier rejected his request to enter the building via car to avoid paparazzi, meaning a media scrum greeted the 33-year-old, who found time to sign a sneaky autograph on his way up to the steps to court. 

That meant just hours after Juventus' 3-0 Serie A win over Chievo, where he missed a penalty, Ronaldo made the journey from Turin to the Spanish capital, where he was highly expected to plead guilty to defrauding the Spanish treasury and sign a deal on the sentence and fine.

Due to the non-violent nature of Ronaldo's crime, and Spanish law dictating that a term of under two years incarceration can be served on probation for first-time offenders,the 5-time Ballon d'Or winner will not spend any time behind bars.


Ronaldo's court appearance in the Spanish capital lasted just 15 minutes as the player needed simply to sign off paperwork for the previously agreed settlement in court, Reuters reported. 

Earlier, Ronaldo's former Real Madrid team mate Xabi Alonso walked in to face own tax fraud case with his hands deep in his suit pockets. "Yes, all good," was his only response to reporters' questions.

Former Manchester United and Sporting Lisbon winger Ronaldo has reportedly already paid a tax office penalty in the sum of €13.5 million, after accepting charges he defrauded the court to the tune of €14.7 million.
