산업과학 Construction,Science/News for Foreigner

Indonesia offers $13.2b infrastructure projects to China

Engi- 2018. 8. 29. 17:23

Indonesia offers $13.2b infrastructure projects to China

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta | Tue, August 28, 2018

Investment Coordination Agency (BKPM) deputy head of investment planning Tamba P Hutapea speaks to reporters. (Courtesy of/hebei.ifeng.com)

The Indonesian government offered various infrastructure projects to China worth US$13.2 billion during a recent market sounding event attended by 90 potential investors in Guangzhou, China.

Investment Coordination Agency (BKPM) deputy head of investment planning Tamba P Hutapea said the event was held in cooperation between BKPM and the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou.

The offered projects include electricity power plants under the independent power producer (IPP) scheme and toll roads in a number of regions.

“The total value of the offered projects is US$13.2 billion,” Tamba said in a press release received by The Jakarta Post on Monday.

Tamba said the government through infrastructure financing guarantee agency PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII) could give guarantees for any companies that wanted to take part in the government-to-business cooperation (KPBU) scheme.

“The government invites both domestic and international investors to take part in the government-to-business project,” he said, adding that the government’s support could be in the form of guarantees as well as fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.

Among the companies that sent representatives to the market sounding event were CCCC Industrial Investment Holding Co., Ltd.,  China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd., Guangdong Zhiyuan New Material Co., Ltd., GD Shengda Investment Group and China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.

“Some of the companies have expressed interest in investing in the offered projects,” said Tamba, adding that BKPM would follow up with the companies that had expressed interest in investing in Indonesia. (bbn)



