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VIDEO:Drone to the rescue: Hawaii resident saved from Kilauea’s lava flows 하와이 주민들, 용암으로부터 구조 드론 촬영 모습

Engi- 2018. 6. 1. 01:04

Drone to the rescue: Hawaii resident saved from Kilauea’s lava flows

By Trevor Mogg — Posted on May 30, 2018 - 11:30PM

Drones are fast becoming an invaluable tool for emergency response teams engaged in search and rescue operations. On the island of Hawaii, for example, the technology is being used right now to move people out of harm’s way as lava continues to pour from Kilauea volcano.

하와이 주민들, 용암으로부터 구조 드론 촬영 모습



The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) this week described how live-streamed video from one of its unmanned aerial vehicles helped guide emergency responders to a resident whose home looked to be on the verge of getting swallowed up by the lava flow. Live footage from the flying machine was then assessed by a remote team so that it could direct the rescue group along the safest escape route.

Drones are fast becoming an invaluable tool for emergency response teams engaged in search and rescue operations. On the island of Hawaii, for example, the technology is being used right now to move people out of harm’s way as lava continues to pour from Kilauea volcano.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) this week described how live-streamed video from one of its unmanned aerial vehicles helped guide emergency responders to a resident whose home looked to be on the verge of getting swallowed up by the lava flow. Live footage from the flying machine was then assessed by a remote team so that it could direct the rescue group along the safest escape route.

“[The drone] helps prompt and guide evacuations and led to the successful rescue of a resident after a lava pond outbreak sent a very fast pahoehoe flow” down one of the Big Island’s streets, the USGS said in a Twitter post on Wednesday, May 30.

Footage posted with the tweet (below) shows the actual video captured by the drone, which the rescue team was able to use in real time as they tackled the hazardous conditions.


