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찰스 에베츠의 악명 높은 1930년대 초고층빌딩 건설현장 사진들 Laughing in the face of death: Workers pictured fooling around as they..(VIDEO)

Engi- 2015. 1. 22. 18:33
Laughing in the face of death: Workers pictured fooling around as they built some of America's most iconic buildings - where one person died for every $1m spent

건설 붐이 일던 20세기초 건설현장의 작업감독은 사람들이 초고층 위에서 사진을 찍으면  막대한 
돈을 위해 죽음도 불사했다는 사실을 알고 있다.

그들은 요즘 같은 안전모나 안전 로프 같은 것들도 없었다.
그러나 모험을 위해서 돈을 위해서 죽음의 그림자가 목전에 있음에도 전혀 안중에 두지 않았다.

이런 믿기 힘든 사진들은 건설노동자들이 미국에서 가장 유명한 고층빌딩들을 건설하면서 일은 
안하고 빈둥대고 있음을 보여주고 있다.

이 사진들 중 가장 유명한 것은 미국의 사진작가 찰스 크라이드 에베츠에 의해서 1932년에 촬영된 
11명의 노동자가 252m 높이에서 점심식사를 하는 악명 높은 'Lunch atop a Skyscraper'일 것이다.

1929년에서 1932년 사이에 5명의 노동자가 엠파이어스테이트 빌딩에서 사진찍다가 사망했다.
1883년에 개통한 브루클린교에서는 무려 27명의 노동자가 죽었다.

콘페이퍼 에디터

During the early era of skyscraper construction, it was said that one worker died for every $1million spent on the building 
Five men died during the 1929 to 1931 construction of the Empire State Building
27 workers died by the time the Brooklyn Bridge opened in 1883 


During the incredible building boom of early 20th century, it was said that crew foremen could expect one man to die for every $1million spent on a skyscraper.

In these heady early years - when industry barons raced each other to see who could get their towers built first - workers had few protections. They wore no hard hats or safety ropes.

But even inches from peril, some men managed to laugh in the face of death. These incredible pictures show construction workers goofing off as they built some of America's most iconic skyscrapers. 

The most famous of these, of course, is Charles C. Ebbets infamous shot 'Lunch atop a Skyscraper,' snapped in 1932 of 11 workers having lunch on an exposed steel beam 840 feet above the ground. 

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Dinner with a view

Dinner with a view: These workers atop the frame of the Waldorf-Astoria in 1930 enjoyed some of the hotel's legendary five-star service before construction was even complete


Here, a worker defies death as he walks a plank between two girders while blindfolded in 1925. This took place more than 20 stories in the air

Hanging out

Hanging out: This worker takes a break 30 stories above the New York City streets

Hello there

Hello there! In this image from 1931, a worker leans out over the city as he works on the Empire State Building. Five men died during the construction of the iconic skyscraper

However Ebbets also snapped a worker practicing his golf swing on the same 70-story construction site - the RCA  Building, now knows as the GE Building or 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

A 1930 photograph reveals that the Waldorf Astoria began offering its legendary first-class service well before it even opened. Two bow tie and jacket-clad waiters are pictured serving a gourmet lunch to a pair of workers on a girder high above Park Avenue. 

Another photo, from 1925 shows a blindfolded worker walking between two girders 20 stories above the street.  

One photo shows a workers climbing up a wrecking ball while working on the Empire State Building in 1930. 

The stunts are no laughing matter. Five men died in accidents during the breakneck construction of the Empire State Building. An estimated 27 workers perished during the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, which was completed in 1883.

'Building skyscrapers is the nearest peace-time equivalent of war. In fact, the analogy is startling, even to the occasional grim reality of a building accident where maimed bodies, and even death, remind us that we are fighting a war of construction against the forces of nature,' work foreman William Starrette was quoted as saying

Daredevils from the Jones Family carried out a sword fight on the edge of the Times Square Hotel in 1925 as part of a stunt 


Death-defying: The performers may have climbed this skyscraper for publicity, but construction workers thumbed their noses at loftier heights every day as part of their job

Hanging in

Hanging in: Workmen had near fear of swinging high above the city - with nothing by a few ropes and chains between them and oblivion

Taste of his own medicine

Taste of his own medicine: A 1900s cameraman looks a bit unsteady as he hovers one foot over the hedge while walking across steal girders of a skyscraper

A magazine reporter who wrote about the high-flying construction workers in 1908 - at the start of the skyscraper boom - dubbed the men 'cowboys of the skies.'

Ernest Poole recalled several examples of men being killed while just going about their daily jobs - being blown off girders by high winds, losing their footing and slipping to their deaths, being smashed by steel as it was being hoisted hundreds of feet into place. 

But he also documented stories of silly, risk-taking recklessness. 

He described how a hapless foreman at the Singer Building - then the tallest structure in the world - 

'Time again on returning, he would find some delighted man monkey high up by the big brass ball taking a loot at the sea.' 

The daredevil Gladys Roy balanced on a rooftop high above Los Angeles in 1925 for a stunt

The daredevil Gladys Roy balanced on a rooftop high above Los Angeles in 1925 for a stunt

These four men are hoping to pass a test to get jobs as painters at the Brooklyn Bridge

These four men are hoping to pass a test to get jobs as painters at the Brooklyn Bridge. Their first task was to climb to the top of one of the pillars. An estimated 27 workers died building the bridge


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