미일에 협공 당하는 한국경제...美, 한국 송유관 관세 최대 39% 반덤핑 관세 부과 U.S. Slaps 39% Tariff on Korean Oil Pipelines

U.S. Slaps 39% Tariff on Korean Oil Pipelines

By Jung Min-hee July 31, 2019, 15:27Share

The U.S. Department of Commer has more than doubled tariffs on Korean oil pipelines.

The United States has more than doubled tariffs on Korean oil pipelines. U.S. trade pressure is mounting on Korea as U.S. President Donald Trump is seeking to strip it of the developing country status in the World Trade Organization (WTO).



美, 한국 송유관 관세 최대 39% 반덤핑 관세 부과


    미국이 한국산 송유관 철강 제품에 최대 39%에 달하는 반덤핑관세를 부과한 것으로 밝혀졌다.

30일 철강업계에 따르면 미국 상무부는 지난 14일 산국산 송유관 철강제품에 대한 반덤핑 관세 연례재심에서 넥스틸에 38.87%, 세아제강에 22.7%의 관세 부과를 결정했다. 이외 다른 업체에게는 29.89%의 관세를 부과한다.

이번 판정은 지난달 10일 2차 최종 판정 이후 세아제강이 행정오류를 제기하면서 이뤄졌다. 당시 넥스틸은 38.87%, 세아제강은 27.38%, 기타 업체는 32.49%의 관세율을 부과 받았다.

미 상무부는 반덤핑 관세율을 산정할 때 수출기업이 자국에서 판매하는 정상가격(Normal Value)과 대미 수출가격의 차이를 비교한다. 한국에서 판매하는 가격보다 미국 수출가격이 낮으면 그 차이만큼 관세를 부과해왔다.

미국은 이번 판결에서 ‘특별시장상황’(PMS·Particular Market Situation)에 대한 문제를 제기한 것으로 알려졌다. 수출국의 특별한 시장상황으로 인해 조사대상 기업이 제출한 자료로 정상가격을 산정할 수 없다면서 상무부의 재량으로 가격이 결정됐다.

송유관은 유전에서 원유를 끌어올릴 때 필요한 철강재로 지난해 한국은 약 3억5000만달러 규모를 미국으로 수출했다. 국내 수출업체의 경우 중견기업이 대부분이기 때문에 고율 관세 부과는 기업의 경영활동에 직격탄이 될 수 있다는 분석이다.

한편 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령은 지난 15일(현지시간) 연방 기관 인프라 사업에 미국산 철강 제품의 사용을 의무화하는 행정명령에 서명했다.

전예지 기자 yejeejun@infostock.co.kr [인포스탁데일리]

edited by kcontents

The U.S. Department of Commerce decided to impose a 38.87 percent tariff on products from Nexteel Co. at an annual review of anti-dumping duties on Korean oil pipelines, the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said on July 30. The percentage is more than twice as high as the highest tariff rate set during the previous year's review. Other steel companies including Hyundai Steel were hit by an anti-dumping duty rate of 29.89 percent, nearly double the 16.58 percent imposed on other steel companies last year. The rate for SeAH Steel was 22.70 percent.

The U.S. Department of Commerce revised some of the tariff rates calculated last month and announced the results on July 23.

The United States is a large market for steel pipe products such as oil pipelines as they are used to collect crude oil and shale gas. Last year, 35 percent of Korea’s steel pipe exports went to the United States. In the same period, Korean oil pipelines exported to the United States amounted to US$350 million.

Earlier, on July 15, President Trump signed an executive order that will raise the proportion of U.S. steel that must be used for federal infrastructure projects to 95 percent. Industry analysts say the impact of the new regulation on Korean steel makers is limited as more of their products are used in private projects rather than government projects. However, the Trump administration's higher tariffs on individual items will inevitably have a negative impact on Korean steel markers.

The U.S. Commerce Department cited the "particular market situation (PMS)" clause to justify its tariff adjustment. The PMS is a system through which the department arbitrarily imposes tariffs on imported products.

The final tariff rate of the second annual review announced on July 14 will apply to oil pipeline products exported to the United States after this date. So, it will apply to shipments exported before the final judgment of the third annual review. The U.S. Department of Commerce annually reviews each item on an annual basis and makes preliminary and final judgments.

Yeo Han-koo (left), head of trade negation bureau of South Korea’s Trade Ministry, speaks during the 27th official negotiations for RCEP held at Sheraton Hotel in Zhengzhou, China, on July 26 (local time)./Business Korea

edited by kcontents

The heightened tariffs put mid-sized Korean steel makers on alert as oil pipeline production is concentrated on mid-sized Korean steel companies rather than big Korean steelmakers such as POSCO and Hyundai Steel. The increasing U.S. steel trade pressure, together with Japan's export regulations, will weaken the competitiveness of Korea’s major industries.

The U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) ruled earlier this year that high tariffs imposed on Korean steel pipes were unfair, but nonetheless, the U.S. Department of Commerce continues to raise tariffs. "Small and medium-sized Korean steelmakers will continue to suffer damage," an industry official said.


