3점슛 쏘는 휴머노이드 로봇 개발 VIDEO: Move over, Steph Curry: Six-foot 10-inch robot can hit perfect 3-pointers, free throws and rarely ..

Move over, Steph Curry: Six-foot 10-inch robot can hit perfect 3-pointers, free throws and rarely misses a shot - but its developers admit it CAN'T dunk or dribble!

It has been developed by car manufacturer Toyota to make long-distant shots

It uses sensors in the torso and uses motors in arms and knees to shoot the ball 

The robot is called Cue 3 measures 6 foot 10 inches tall but misses the odd shot  

Demonstration saw it nail five out of eight shots - a ratio its developers say is worse than normal  


3점슛 쏘는 휴머노이드 로봇 개발

  3점슛과 자유투도 쉽게 할 수 있는 6피트 10인치(2.1m) 높이의 휴머노이드 로봇이 개발됐다. 

큐이라고 불리는 이 로봇은 다양한 센서를 이용해 샷의 정확한 각도와 힘을 계산하고 모터는 매번 같은 동작을 반복한다.

가장 최근의 시범 Cue3에서 3점 라인에서 8개 중 5개를 성공시켰는데, 이는 개발자들이 주장하는 정상 성능 수준보다 훨씬 낮은 비율이다.

이 기계는 여전히 어떤 수준의 농구 선수에게도 필수적인 기술인 드리블이나 점프를 할 수 없기 때문에 유명한 장거리 슈터 스텝 커리와 같은 프로 NBA 선수들과 함께 경쟁할 수 있는 방법과는 다소 거리가 있다.

도요타의 로봇은 바스켓이 있는 곳의 3차원 이미지로 계산해 몸통에 달린 센서를 이용해 팔과 무릎 안쪽의 모터를 조절해 스윗치에 맞는 각도와 추진력을 준다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 06:30 BST, 1 April 2019 | UPDATED: 17:15 BST, 1 April 2019

A six foot 10 inch (2.1m) tall humanoid robot has been built which can shoot three-point shots and free throws with ease. 

The robot, dubbed Cue 3, uses a variety of sensors to calculate the correct angle and force of a shot and motors repeat the same motion every time.

In the most recent demonstration Cue 3 shot five for eight from the three-point line, a ratio its developers claim is far worse than its normal level of performance. 

The machine is still some way off being able to compete alongside professional NBA players such as famed long-distance shooter Steph Curry, as it is still unable to dribble or jump - essential skills for a basketball player of any level. 


Toyota's basketball robot Cue 3 shoots three-pointers at a gymnasium in Fuchu, Tokyo. The 207-centimetre (six-foot-10) -tall machine made five of eight three-pointer shots in a demonstration

Toyota's robot computes as a three-dimensional image where the basket is, using sensors on its torso, and adjusts motors inside its arm and knees to give the shot the right angle and propulsion for a swish.

Efforts in developing human-shaped robots underline a global shift in robotics use as manufacturers shun the existing pre-programmed mechanical arms.

Instead, they are pursuing machines able to function in the real world with people.

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