구글, EU의 독점금지법 세 번째 위반으로 17억 달러 벌금 부과 VIDEO: Google fined $1.7 billion over a 3rd breach of EU antitrust rules in as many years

Google fined $1.7 billion over a 3rd breach of EU antitrust rules in as many years

Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Margrethe Vestager, the European competition commissioner. Reuters


구글,  EU의 독점금지법 세 번째 위반으로 17억 달러 벌금 부과

벌금 부과 받아도 남는 장사?

   구글은 EU로부터 EU의 독점금지법 세 번째 위반으로 17억 달러의 벌금을 부과받았다.

상단 사진 설명:

순다르 피차이 구글 최고경영자(CEO)와 마르그레테 베스타거 유럽 경쟁담당 집행위원. 로이터

2017년 이후 구글의 EU의 과징금은 현재까지 94억달러 넘어섰다

구글은 이에 대해 아직 공식적인 언급이 없다.

알파벳이 모회사인 구글은 수요일 유럽 경쟁 위원인 마그레테 베스타저로부터 AdSense 광고 서비스와 관련된 반경쟁 관행에 대해 14억 9천만 유로의 벌금을 부과받았다.

베스타저는 트위트로 벌금을 발표했다. 그녀는 구글이 "우세한 시장 지위를 확고히 하기 위해 검색광고를 중개하는 불법적인 관행"으로 처벌 받고 있다고 말했다. 그녀는 덧붙였다: 

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


Google was fined $1.7 billion by the EU for its third breach of EU antitrust rules in as many years.

European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said the latest fine is for "illegal practices in search advertising brokering to cement its dominant market position."


edited by kcontents

Google's EU fines since 2017 now total $9.4 billion. The company is yet to respond to a request for comment.

Google has been punished with a third fine by the European Union in as many years.

The Alphabet-owned company was fined €1.49 billion ($1.69 billion) on Wednesday by European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager over anticompetitive practices related to its AdSense advertising service.

Vestager announced the fine in a tweet. She said Google was being punished for "illegal practices in search advertising brokering to cement its dominant market position." She added: "They shouldn't do that - it denied consumers choice, innovative products and fair prices."

Specifically, Vestager's team concluded that Google included "restrictive clauses in contracts" with third-party websites preventing rival search engines from placing adverts on these websites, according to a press release.

The penalty follows Google's record $5 billion fine in July last year for abusing the dominance of Android. The search giant was also fined $2.7 billion in September 2017 over its shopping service. Its fines since 2017 now total $9.4 billion.


