유럽 최고층 빌딩의 립헬 타워크레인 쇼 VIDEO: Amazing Footage On Top of a Tower Crane Building Europe’s Tallest Building

Amazing Footage On Top of a Tower Crane Building Europe’s Tallest Building

March 5, 2019 Shane Hedmond

Over the years, Liebherr, the German Crane Manufacturer, has given us some absolutely amazing videos.  For example, they put on a show for their best customers one year and lifted one crane with another crane, which was lifted by a third crane, which was then lifted by a fourth crane. Another video highlighted the 58 cranes that were on site at the same time at the world’s largest airport build in Istanbul. Well, the company is back at it again, this time on top of Europe’s new tallest building.

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유럽 최고층 빌딩의 립헬 타워크레인 쇼

   수년간, 독일 크레인 제조업체인 립헬(Liebherr)은 우리에게 정말 놀라운 영상을 보여 주어왔다. 이번에도 그들은 최고의 고객들을 위해 쇼 이벤트를 했다.

다른 크레인 한 대가 세 번째 크레인에서 들어올려졌고, 그 다음 네 번째 크레인에서 들어 올려졌다. 또 다른 동영상은 이스탄불에서 세계 최대 규모의 공항건물에 동시 작업 중인 타워크레인 58대를 집중 조명했다. 

립헬은 이번에 다시 그것을 하고 있다, 이번에는 유럽의 새로운 고층 빌딩이 될 

러시아 상트페테르부르크에 있는 라흐타 타워는 유럽 최고층 455m 상공에 우뚝 서게 된다. 이 LEED 플래티넘 빌딩은 2012년 착공해 올해 완공될 예정이다. 공식 준공되면 러시아의 연방타워(367m)를 넘어 유럽의 새로운 고층 빌딩으로 떠오를 전망이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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The Lakhta Tower, which stands in St. Petersburg, Russia, will stand 1,516 feet in the air at its highest point. The LEED Platinum building began construction in 2012 and is scheduled to be completed this year. Once officially opened, it will surpass Russia’s Federation Tower (1,226 feet) as Europe’s new tallest building.

In addition to being the future tallest in Europe, the building also broke a couple records.  It holds the Guinness World Record for largest continuous concrete pour at 19,264 cubic meters, some 3,000 more cubic meters than the previous record holder.  Its curtain wall is also the world’s largest cold-bent façade by area.

More specifically related to Liebherr and its cranes, the one highlighted in the video stands 1410 feet in the air.  To safely operate a crane at that height, it has to undergo routine maintenance.  The height, however, is only one of the challenges of servicing the machine.


edited by snsmedia

Russia is well known for their blistering cold weather and, at its coldest, the top of the crane can get down to -25 degrees F and up to 80 mph winds.  The building site is right next to the Gulf of Finland and only 621 miles from the Artic Circle. 

For the main building, three Liebherr 710 HC-L 32/64 Litronic tower cranes were used, according to Liebherr. Each crane has a maximum working load of 70 tons (64 metric tons) and lifting speeds of up to 577 feet per minute.  

Liebherr was able to get some absolutely amazing footage of their service technician climbing the massive crane and checking its components, which you can watch below.  The video is not in English, though, so be sure to turn on the closed captioning option to understand what’s being said.


