레이더스, 뉴 라스베가스 스타디움 시공 과정 공개 VIDEOS: Raiders Release In-Depth Video Series of Construction Process of New Las Vegas Stadium

Raiders Release In-Depth Video Series of Construction Process of New Las Vegas Stadium

February 28, 2019 Shane Hedmond

When we think about historic buildings of ancient times that are still standing, we can stand in awe of the level of detail that was incorporated into designs without modern tools and technology.  For a few decades, it seemed like we would never see that type of character in buildings again, but sports stadiums are becoming modern wonders, pushing the limits of not only what’s capable from a construction standpoint, but also the budgets.  

via YouTube


레이더스, 뉴 라스베가스 스타디움 시공 과정 공개

   우리가 아직도 서 있는 고대 건축물에 대해 생각할 때, 우리는 현대적 도구와 기술 없이 디자인에 통합된 세부사항의 수준에 대해 경외심을 가질 수 있다. 몇 십 년 동안, 우리는 다시는 그런 종류의 성격을 볼 수 없을 것처럼 보였지만, 스포츠 경기장은 현대적 경이로움으로 변해가고 있다.그는 건설의 관점에서 볼 때 능력뿐만 아니라 예산에도 한계가 있다.

요즘 NFL 경기장의 기준치는 적어도 10억 달러는 프로젝트 비용인 것 같고, NFL 구단주들은 서로 앞지르기 위해 싸우고 있다. 현재 건설 중인 새로운 라스베이거스 레이더스 경기장은 약 18억 달러로 예상되는 총비용이 거의 20억 달러규모다.

2017년 9월 18일 모텐슨과 매카시의 합작법인이 이끄는 건설작업자들이 라스베이거스 스트립 바로 바깥에 자리 잡은 스타디움에서 현장 작업을 시작했다. 지난 몇 달 동안 레이더스는 유튜브를 통해 설계 과정 그리고 정밀한 설계시공팀과 건설현장의 준비 및 건설 모습을 보여줬다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


It seems as though the benchmark for NFL stadiums these days is, at minimum, 1 billion dollars in project costs and those costs continue to climb as NFL owners fight to outdo each other.  The new Las Vegas Raiders Stadium, currently under construction, is nearly the $2 billion mark with total costs projected to be around $1.8 billion.

On September 18, 2017, crews led by a joint venture of Mortenson and McCarthy began site work on the stadium, which sits just outside of the Las Vegas strip.  Over the past few months, the Raiders have been releasing a series of videos on YouTube showing an inside look at the design process, finding the correct design-build team, preparing the site, and the construction of the stadium.

The series is called “From The Ground Up” and is currently on episode 4, which was recently released late last week.  The overall schedule for each episode is spaced around a month apart and it’s a really fascinating look at how large companies run a billion dollar project.  It takes you inside job meetings, concrete pours, and even shows off some of the technology used on the project.  


Mike Rowe, host of the popular television show Dirty Jobs, narrates the video series, which always adds a welcome tone to a blue-collar focused show.  If that doesn’t keep you coming back for the next video, you can always count on some solid digs on the Raiders on-the-field performance last season in the comment section. 

Each video is between 10 and 15 minutes long. Below are the first 4 episodes for your viewing enjoyment and be sure to check their YouTube channel for the next one some time in March.

For those of you interested in even more coverage of the stadium construction, the Raiders also have a live stadium cam with multiple views of the stadium progress on their website. 

From The Ground Up - Ep. 1: "More Than Just A Building"

From The Ground Up - Ep. 2: "Nature's Cement"

From The Ground Up - Ep. 3: "We Don't Like Surprises"

From The Ground Up - Ep. 4: "Every Little Bit of Time Counts"



