1920년 대의 놀라운 뉴욕 고층 빌딩 작업자들 공중 건설 모습 VIDEO: Check out this Incredible Footage of The Men Who Build New York’s Skyline in the 1920s

Check out this Incredible Footage of The Men Who Build New York’s Skyline in the 1920s

January 18, 2019 Shane Hedmond

The Smithsonian channel is airing a series of shows titled America in Color, in which they enhance lost or forgotten video footage of the 1900s, beginning with the 1920s.  Part of the first episode in the series shows the men that worked on skyscrapers in New York City and it’s been edited to show color, as opposed to black and white, for the first time.

via the Smithsonian Channel


1920년 대의 놀라운 뉴욕 고층 빌딩 작업자들 공중 건설 모습

 소실된 사진 찾아 컬러로 복원

  스미스소니언 채널은 "America in Color"라는 제목의 일련의 쇼를 방송하고 있는데, 1920년대부터 1900년대에는 분실되거나 잊혀진 비디오 영상을 살려서 방영한다. 이 시리즈의 첫 회는 뉴욕의 고층 빌딩에서 일했던 사람들을 보여준다. 이 드라마의 첫 회는 흑백과 달리 최초로 컬러로 편집되었다

이미 알려진 대로, 일명“로프넥스(Roughnecks)로 불리워지는 작업들은 몇몇 도구들만으로 뉴욕 시의 크라이슬러 타워와 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩을 만드는 모습을 보여주고 있다.그들은 안전대, 안전선, 그리고 딱딱한 안전모 조차 없다. 또한 그들에게는 화장실 휴식도 허락되지 않았다. 미 안전협회(OSHA)는 이후 50년 동안이나 만들어지지 않았다. 

연구에 따르면, 이 고층빌딩에서 안전도구 없이 작업한 사람들 5명 2명 인 40%이 직업에서 죽거나 또는 장애자였다. 이 사람들은 확실히 이 위험한 일을 감수할 만큼 용감했다. 하지만, 이로 인해 작업자들을 보호하기 위해 관련 안전법이 만들어진 좋은 사례가 됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

The “Roughnecks,” as the skyscraper ironworkers were known, are shown building NYC’s Chrysler Tower and the Empire State Building with little more than some tools a soft hat; no harnesses, safety lines, or hard hats.  They weren’t even granted bathroom breaks. After all, OSHA wasn’t even created for another 5 decades, in the 1970s. 

Before you watch the footage and revel in the fact that this was “back when there were real men,” note that research shows that 2 out of 5, or 40%, “roughnecks” were either killed or disabled on these jobs.  These men were certainly brave enough to take on this dangerous work, but there’s a good reason why laws are set in place to protect America’s workers today.


 New York City 1920s Empire State Building/All That's Interesting

edited by kcontents

According to The Skyscraper Center, there were 6 buildings at least 200 meters tall (656 feet) that were completed in either 1930 or 1931 in New York City alone.  The Empire State Building was the tallest of the bunch, topping out at 1,250 feet, followed by the Chrysler building (1,046 feet), the Trump Building (9247 feet), Twenty Exchange (741 feet), 500 Fifth Avenue (697 feet), and One Grand Central Place (673 feet). 

If you’d like to check out the full episode on the 1920s, the next airings on the Smithsonian channel are at 3pm on Monday, February 4, 2am on Sunday February 17, and 3pm on Sunday, February 24 or you can stream it for free on their website.

Enjoy the construction specific clip below:

