요세미티 국립공원에 용암이....Rare Yosemite ‘Firefall’ Phenomenon Ignites a Waterfall in Bright Orange

Rare Yosemite ‘Firefall’ Phenomenon Ignites a Waterfall in Bright Orange

By Sara Barnes on February 16, 2017


   최근에 미 요세미티 국립공원에 매우 드문 현상이 나타났다.

마치 폭포가 '파이어폴(Firefall)' 밝은 오렌지색과 붉은색으로 타들어 가고 있는 것이 멀리서 보면 마치 용암이 흘러내는 듯하다. 이 장관의 모습은 2월 겨울에 해가 질 때 단 10분간만 볼 수 있으며 연출하는데는 다음 조건을 만족해야 한다.

첫째, 눈을 녹일만큼 충분히 기온이 높아야 한다.

둘째, 해가 지는 동안 서측 하늘은 청명해야 한다.

이 조건을 만족하면 모두가 놀랄만한 일이 일어나며 마치 초자연적 현상과 같은 모습을 보게 된다.

엘 카피탄 정상에서 발생하는 '파이어폴(Firefall)'은

매년 2월 21일을 전후하여 2주일 정도만 나타나는 현상으로 떨어지는 폭포수가 저녁 석양 빛을 받아서 말꼬리처럼 보인다고 해서 Horsetail Falls이라고 하며,다른 이름으로는 불꽃이 떨어지는 모습과 흡사해 Firefall이라 부른다.  

엘 카피탄은 캘리포니아 주 요세미티 국립공원에 있는 914m 높이(해발 2300m) 의 화강암으로 된 바위산이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Late February in Yosemite National Park is a magical time of year. If the conditions are just right, its famous Horsetail Fall is ignited in a bright orange and red glow. Known as the Yosemite Firefall, the phenomenon makes the waterfall look as though it’s spewing lava down the side of rock formation El Capitan. What makes it even more special is that this mesmerizing effect lasts for only 10 glorious minutes.

According to a Yosemite Firefall website, several things have to happen—independently of each other— in order to see the light. First, Horsetail Fall must be flowing with water. “If there’s not enough snowpack in February,” the site explains, “there will not be enough snowmelt to feed the waterfall.” In addition, temperatures must be warm enough to melt the snow in the first place. Second, the western sky must be clear during sunset; otherwise, the sun rays will be blocked. “Winter weather can be highly variable in Yosemite, however, and days that start off cloudy can clear up by sunset.”

With these specific factors as requirements, it’s amazing that the Firefall happens at all. But, when it does, it’s akin to a supernatural experience. It’s no wonder that both professional and amateur photographers flock to Horsetail Fall to capture the amazing sight.

When the conditions are just right, the Yosmite Firefall ignites the Horsetail Falls in a spectacle of brilliant, fiery light.

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @rayophotography13

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @broloelcordero

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @ecastellon408

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @i_markian

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @acaurora

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @robkugler

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @vagabondvivant

Here’s the Firefall in action.

Yosemite National Park: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Mashable]

