4천년전 모자의 껴안은 채 죽은 재난현장 유골시신 Enduring love: 4,000-year-old skeletons of mother and child are found locked in dying embrace in 'Pompeii of the East'

Enduring love: 4,000-year-old skeletons of mother and child are found locked in dying embrace in 'Pompeii of the East'

Heartbreaking: Skeletal remains show the mother kneeling down on the ground with her arms around her son in central China

  • Skeletal remains show mother on her knees with arms around child as she protected him from disaster in China 
  • The astounding discovery was made by experts on the Bronze Age archaeological site in Qinghai province
  •  'Pompeii of the East' is believed to have been hit by a catastrophic earthquake and flooding in around 2,000BC

재난으로 인해 흙더미에 파묻힌 '모자'

엄마가 아이를 보호하려고 껴안은 유골 시신이 중국에서 발견됐다.

이 가슴 뭉클한 유골은 4천년전 칭하이성 청동기 시대 유물 발굴현장에서 발견됐다.

The loving embrace of a mother and child has lasted 4,000 years, as Chinese archaeologists found when they discovered their interlocked skeletons.

The mother is believed to have been trying to protect her child during a powerful earthquake that hit Qinghai province, central China, in about 2,000 BC.

The remains were dug up on an early Bronze Age archaeological site branded the 'Pompeii of the East', the People's Daily Online reported. 

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Clinging on: Another pair of skeletons found at the Chinese archaeological site also appear to be embracing each other






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