9,076개 나무조각 국립현대미술관 디자인 Complex Wooden Structure Composed of 9,076 Pieces

'Part to Whole' 모형은
9,076개의 나무조각으로 만들어진 독특한 구조로 한국의 
국립현대미술관 건립프로젝트를 설계할 *HG건축회사의 디자인이다.

이 디자인의 개념은 생명의 구성요소인 원자와 분자에서부터 기인한다.
*HG건축회사는 이대 조교수인 국형걸대표가 만들었다.

콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by katie hosmer

Part to Whole is a unique structure composed of 9,076 pieces of wood. The project, developed by HG-Architecture | LIVE COMPONENTS, was recently commissioned by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea. The large scale installation piece is intended to visually convey the idea that larger forms are generally composed of smaller elements, firmly constructed together to make the whole.

The project statement explains: "Everything in nature is made up of components. It starts from basic components like atoms and molecules, and grows to bigger components like tissues and organs in order to construct a ‘live’ body. The artificial environment is quite the same. It all starts with basic components like points and lines, and grows to surface and finally construct a space."

The piece appears differently depending on the viewer's perspective. Concave and convex curves create unusual spaces that move in wavelike motions across the room. Visitors are invited to investigate around the exterior and to walk underneath the construction to experience the details up close.

HG-Architecture | LIVE COMPONENTS website
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art website
via [Contemporist]

"from past to future"

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콘페이퍼 conpaper

